Thursday, March 20, 2008

Barack Obama's speech on race in review.


Since the video of Jerimah Wright's hate filled sermon started making it's rounds around the world via the Internet, pathetic and hapless souls have been coming up with every excuse in the book trying somehow to defend Barack Obama and his pastor. These people are such brainwashed sheep, if it wasn't funny it would be pretty sad. Let's take Obama's speech for example. This is the video of Barack Obama's speech yesterday. The topic wasn't about his church or his pastor but about how he feels America really is racist and that Jerimah Wright was somehow misunderstood. Since I posted the video of Jerimah Wright a few days ago, I have gotten several emails. The new Jim Jones cult of the Obamanation have referred to me from everything such as an "Uncle Tom" to a "Sellout". I guess I am a sellout to ignorant lemmings like them, I'm guility as charged so sue me. I don't know if I should let them in on a little secret. I actually like these attacks. It tells me that these weak minded simpleton sheep really can't dispute, challenge, or debate what I say, and this is their only way they can remotely try to lash out at me. Maybe they should try something silly as opening their minds. It also shows that there are blacks in this country that truly think for themselves. I don't answer to man, I answer to a higher power. Man holds no dominion over me, my thoughts or my actions, so liberals both black and white continue to be pissed at someone you will never be able to control or silence. It must truly suck to be a closed minded, intolerant liberal. Now back to Obama's speech. The speech was tracked by several focus groups. I've noticed a very interesting trend during Obama's speech. Republicans, Independents, and Democrat were mirroring each other's patterns. The Republicans didn't approve of his speech at all. I expected that much and good for them, however Democrats and Independents only mildly approved of his speech. The big non shocker was the ranking among blacks. They strongly agreed with his speech. This isn't a surprise to say the least. Obama could have said the exact same thing his pastor said and he would have still registered in the 90% range throughout his speech. Whn Jerimah Wright was giving his hate speech about America, the people in his congregation were standing and applauding. It's in the video. The focus group tracking shows a real problem for Obama. He can't win the election without strong support from NON BLACK demographic groups. Without a cross over from Hillary supporters on the Democrat side, and a strong block of support form Independents, Obama is done. My heart bleeds. I guess the chickens have come home to roost.


Blogger Jonathan said...

Well put, sir.

I have disarmed a couple of Obama defenders with this question:

If you went to a restaurant that served awesome food, but every once in a while your food would be tainted with E. coli, would you keep going back for more AND bringing your wife and two young daughters to it? Or would you say "I can't stay away from this place just because they serve food every once in a while that sickens me and my family! You're just cherry picking a few bad meals! This restaurant represents the complete foodie experience!"?

If we are to take Obama at his word that he was mortified by Rev. Nutbar's hateful sermons, then are to assume that Obama had no reservations about going back for his E. coli every Sunday?

By the way, in case the reflexive knuckle-dragging "You're a racist" morons want to attack me for that analogy, I recommend you read this:

A wingnut pastor on the right had some vile, hateful, anti-Obama comments. I don't mean "hateful" in the liberal definition, which is disagreement with policies. No, I mean "hateful" as in "Obama was born trash" hateful. This guy is a sick fizzuck, too, and just like normal Americans are condemning Rev. Nutbar's anti-American screed, we also condemn Rev. Wingnut's anti-Obama tirade.

9:50 AM  
Blogger Conservative Black Man in the ATL said...

Don't sweat the cowards who call you names. If we could ask our slave ancestors who the sellouts are it would be modern day Black members of the Democratic party. The Dems fought to keep slavery, formed the Klan, created Jim Crow laws, helped defeat Eisenhower's Civil Rights Bill, bugged Dr. King, turned the dogs loose on Blacks and bombed churches.

11:21 AM  
Blogger JMK said...

"The big non shocker was the ranking among blacks. They strongly agreed with his speech. This isn't a surprise to say the least. Obama could have said the exact same thing his pastor said and he would have still registered in the 90% range throughout his speech. Whn Jerimah Wright was giving his hate speech about America, the people in his congregation were standing and applauding." (Tyronne)

While it's very true that people in the Unity Church were indeed applauding, one of the more hideous excuses given by the Obama camp, regarding the Jeremiah Wright flap, is that "this kind of rhetoric isn't all that uncommon in black Churches," which, in effect impugns the decency of most religious blacks without any substantiation.

I will say, that Obama delivered the speech very artfully and even, in some regards broke some new ground on the issue, BUT two portions were extremely troubling.

The first was comparing his own white grandmother to Jerry Wright for her voicing her trepidation about walking next to young black males, just as Jesse Jackson noted that same trepidation a few years back.

He didn't suggest that his grandmother ever exclaimed "God Damn America...." OR compared the U.S to al Qaeda, or even the Nazis, Soviets or Imperial Japanese, according to him, she merely expressed that same trepidation about walking the streets near young black men that Jesse Jackson himself expressed a short while back.

I didn't get that, was his point that his own white grandmother was a bigot, then, it would seem that he's charging that Jesse Jackson's guilty of that very same bigotry...OR, is he lending credence to those trepidations expressed by both Jesse Jackson and his own grandmother?

He kind of left that unclear.

How about THIS reality?

Isn't it normal for people of all backgrounds to worry about their safety in the presence of young blacks dressed in current "gangster garb," or young white skinheads, or a group of large, mean-looking Bikers??? Aren't there certain visual cues that are not merely based in race, but dress and demeanor?

Isn't this line a lot like the charge of "racism" against NYC cab drivers for refusing to take black fares to various high crime inner city nabes, when it's a well known fact that well over 90% of NYC's cab drivers are NON-white!

If THAT'S indeed the case (which it IS), then that entire passage was nothing more than a diversion by which to make the hateful, bigoted views of Jeremiah Wright seem no worse than Jesse Jackson's and his own grandmother's trepidations about walking next to young black males, white skinheads, or Bikers. In short, that entire passage become a deliberate distortion (lie) to make a vile racial bigot seem less vile.

Aside from that, there was his remark about how Ronald Reagan built a coalition based on white's fears of a rising crime rate, the unfairness of race/gender preferences run amok and "welfare Moms."

A subtle way of calling all those "Reagan Democrats" (of which I'm proudly one) "racists."

Apparently Barack Obama is as "historically challenged" as most of those on the political Left. Ronald Reagan came to power amidst the gross ineffectiveness and inefficiencies of the failed Carter Administration. Violent crime rates, especially urban crime rates were rising, along with our welfare rolls padded by tens of thousands of "double dippers" (people who scammed welfare benefits from multiple sources) and yes, the horrifically divisive racial spoils system that puddled around the use of race/gender preferences.

ALL of those were and remain legitimate issues, not "canards rooted in some racial animus."

This seems an example of Obama's disjointed overview, on the one hand acknowledging that poor, rural and workingclass whites saw "very little privilege from their whiteness," but then dismissing their legitimate grieveances over a system of racial preferences that in effect, had poor and workingclass whites paying the tab for the abuses of the wealthy white scions of the families that DID benefit from earlier racial injustices, like slavery.

That eroded much of the believability of his claim to looking to "bridge the racial divide," and did little or nothing to dispel the troubling intimate connection between himself and the man he called his "uncle," the man who Married him and his wife, Baptized their children and he called his "mentor" and "spiritual advisor."

1:23 PM  
Blogger Pamela said...

I watched the speech online. I just did not want to read the rhetoric called analysis. I don't have cable TV or watch much of the alphabet stations. My only source of news is online.

If he really feels that Trinity United Church of Christ is typical of black churches he has not been out much. This must be the only church he has ever attended in his life. Unfortunately many people in many churches glaze over what their pastor says. It is the gospel. Way too many do not read their Bibles for themselves.

What I have found interesting is that other black leaders that want blacks to support Clinton have been incredibly mean and vicious against Obama. They are not dealing with the issues either. Some of what I heard was way worse than what Jeremiah Wright has said. I never thought I would be able to say such a thing. When I heard some of that madness, some from so-called preachers (I use the term loosely), I really began to think that we have really lost our way as a nation.

The hypocrisy of the Democrats as being more civil and focused on the issues has been exposed. They are not messiahs but human beings like the rest of us.

We are in trouble.

4:30 PM  
Blogger Pamela said...

To Jonathon:

I checked out your link. When I put my cursor on the link to view the video I saw the man's face and link to his web page. When I saw that I did not bother watching the video. Someone sent a video to me of this deceived minister last year. He was ranting about other ministers that he did not agree with. When I saw his face the comments made sense. He has one of the most outrageous hearts for someone saying that he is a minister of the Lord. He has obviously forgotten about the love of God that He has shown to every person on earth. As a Christian I cringe when I hear preachers like this. It is one thing to disagree with Obama's policies but the name calling is past disgusting.

6:17 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Hey Jonathan, how you been? I knew last year it was just a matter of time before Jerimah Wright dragged Obama down. I can't believe that Obama really thought that his church and pastor wouldn't be an issue. He really needs to get his money back for his Harvard eduation, because the guy is obviously not that bright in common sense. The E. coil analogy is a perfect illustration, and it doesn't surprise that Obama supporters had the deer in the headlights look. They're not exactly known for being the sharpest knives in the drawer.

6:54 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

conservative black man"Don't sweat the cowards who call you names."

Trust me conservative black man, I don't sweat them in the least. The day the lemmings of the left become educated and actually discover the art of factually debating that will be the day to worry. lol

conservative black "If we could ask our slave ancestors who the sellouts are it would be modern day Black members of the Democratic party."

Your right conservative blackman, once upon a time black women used the term "Uncle Tom" to attack black men who voted Democrat. Most blacks don't know Civil Rights history, Black History, or even Political History as it relates to race.

Conservative Blackman "The Dems fought to keep slavery, formed the Klan, created Jim Crow laws, helped defeat Eisenhower's Civil Rights Bill, bugged Dr. King, turned the dogs loose on Blacks and bombed churches."

An educated person is hard to if not impossible to control or manipulate. Most blacks don't know the history of the Democrat Party and they believe them hook line and sinker and they don't need facts, it only gets in the way of the indoctrination.

7:11 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

pamela"If he really feels that Trinity United Church of Christ is typical of black churches he has not been out much"

I agree pamela. Barack is starting to suffer from repeat "foot in mouth" episodes. The churches that I attended were NOTHING like Obama's church. The black churches that follow the theology of Trinity shouldn't be called churches, he anything they should lose their tax exemp status. When Jerimah Wright mentioned the names of Barack and Hillary, that was the exact moment Trinity United Church of hate should have lost its tax exempt status.

Pamela"The hypocrisy of the Democrats as being more civil and focused on the issues has been exposed. They are not messiahs but human beings like the rest of us."

Hypocrisy and Democrats seem to go hand and hand. I could write a book on the double standards by the left. Democrats say that Barack shouldn't be attacked based on "guilt by association" to right. These same people didn't have a problem attacking Trent Lott for saying a few kind words to Strom Thurmand at his 100th birthday Party. These same people were quiet when Democrat Christopher Dood gave praise to former Klansman Robert Bryd when he casted his 1000th vote in the U.S Senate. Oh yeah, these people have hypocrisy down to a science.

7:24 PM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

I've been busier than Elliot Spitzer at a wh0rehouse, my friend. How's life treating you these days?

10:42 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

jonathan"I've been busier than Elliot Spitzer at a wh0rehouse, my friend. How's life treating you these days?"

lol. Thats pretty busy lol
I've been doing pretty good.

3:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"racist" a word that is used to describe someone who against another race, but when used, it is automatically assumed you are talking about someone who is white person that does not like blacks, asians, latinos, or whatever else. I am a white male and can not stand up and be proud to be white in my culture. If I do, I am assumed to be racist. We have minorities that have been comming to our country for years and exploit what America is all about. We as Americans have openend our country for years to all and all we keep getting is greif from people who exploit our country. If someone invited me into thier home to live, I would be very appreciative of that and do my part to make me feel welcome. In today's society, more than ever, us Americans now have to feel guilty for anyone who is not a caucasian. Why is it if we are not suppose to care of the color of someone skin, is it asked when you fill out an applicatioin? Why, because certain requirements have to be met for minorities. If minorties want to be treated fairly, then why should we care what there heritage, color, or whatever it is is? If I am white and I don't get a job because the next person being promoted has to be from a certain race, then how is that fair? Again, we want to treat everyone equal, but then why do compaines have to meet certain requirements to hire minorities? If everyone in the world were blind, would we have these issues that we have now? I can't stand how minorities sit around and slam the "white man" for keeping them down. Bottom line, you as a minority have more opportuniies than ever. You choose what you want out of life. Your excuses for your failures are your own. If you want to exceed, then do so. Stop making excuses and go to work. Go to school. Work hard. I grew up in a lower class society. I am always very optimistic and I am now successful. This is because I work hard and have a positive attitude. I do not blame anyone and work even harder when things get tough. I am proud to be a white handsome American. I am shorter than most men, and know shorter men have a harder time in the bussiness world than taller men, but I do not make excuses for that, but work harder and prove myself. If you are a minority, stop making excuses, be greatful that your ancestor sacrifised for you to be in the greatest country in the world. Take advantage of the fact that there are plenty of programs availble for you to take advantage of to make your life better, and appreciate your situation. If you showed more appreciation and stopped all the bithing and moning and start working, then the "white man" would stop looking at you as a minority and more like an equal.....

2:17 AM  

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