Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jerimah bites the dust or thrown under the bus?


Jeremiah Wright seems to be the latest victim to suffer skid marks from being thrown under the Barack Obama damage control bus. When I watched the speech today on how he is "outraged" over Jeremiah Wright's "latest" acts of utter insanity, I honestly believed Barack Obama. Yeah right, Baghdad Bob has more credibility in my eyes then Obama. So "now" twenty years later and in the middle of a Presidential campaign, we are all now suppose to believe that Barack Obama is finally cutting ties with Jerimah Wright? If people actually are gullible enough to believe him, I have a letter from a prince in Nigeria that will make you rich. Even taking Wright out of the picture, there are way to many other statements made by Obama and his wife that don't show any affection or support for America only the opposite. The video I have posted of Michelle Obama at the University of South Carolina is a classic example. Anyone can find the video of Sean Hannity interviewing Jerimah Wright a year ago on Fox News. I said "ONE YEAR AGO". This isn't something that justed popped out overnight for Obama, Barack even said out of his own mouth that he told Jerimiah Wright his sermons can be rough at times. That statement alone is damaging to his character. He admitted he sat in the pews at Trinity United and listened to Wright go off on his racist and anti American rants. Barack Obama has been telling so many lies, he can't even keep them straight anymore. The media tried it's best to shield Obama from the very first day he announced he was running for President, but the media didn't realize that something had changed. It didn't realize it's influence and monopoly over what gets reported and what doesn't was starting to weaken. The new media once again showed the old media that it is exactly that, "old". I don't know who's idea it was to have Jerimiah Wright come out and do a media press tour, but it didn't work out according to plan. The chickens have come home to roost!!!


Blogger Thuyen Tran said...

In this case, I actually feel a bit bad for Obama.

I saw his response speech to Wright. While it sounds unbelievable he does not know the things Wright said, that are inflammatory, racist, and dishonest, I do believe him when he said he felt disrespected by Wright. Wright did disrespect him, not once, but twice. Once in the Moyers interview with politician label. And then again at the press club. So I do believe Obama there.

I am inclined to believe Obama shared his ideology. Especially if he is there for 20 years, has his kids baptized, and is married by the pastor to his wife.

But we can still hope his time spent as senator and now time spent on campaign trail opens his eyes that not everything is black vs white as his pastor wants him to believe. Heck, many blacks still support Hiliary over him. He has alot of white votes at least before the firestorm over Hiliary.

That should maybe open his eyes that his pastor is full of hot air to say America is still a racist country where someone like Obama can't succeed. Maybe that might be the best lesson Obama ever got even when he goes down to defeat this year.

A lesson that in the long run is good for Obama and good for his family.

And good for America to see that someone like him could have won the election if had not been for his racist pastor problem.

10:14 PM  
Blogger Thuyen Tran said...


I am seeing a pattern with people who defend Wright incessantly. They will say he is taken out of context and that we need to read his whole sermons. But won't state how the context is twisted. Even when those who read his whole sermons point out where he is offensive, racist, and wrong, they shift the debate by saying others do the same thing but not called to account for.

It is hilarious and sad. If he is so taken out of context, they would not even be saying others do the SAME thing, but instead just say he is taken out of context to where he is NOT like the others that are guilty.

Funny thing is they have no problem using soundbites against others to prove their guilt of racism or whatever. In many cases, they are correct to use soundbites. But when it comes to Wright, all of a sudden they make excuses for him like kids who get caught make excuses to avoid being in trouble with parents and teachers. Not what grown people would do.

Just an age old tactic of deflect criticism, shift blame, claim context twisted while they won't explain context of what is said, say one should not be held accountable because others do it.

As juvenile as one can get.

12:51 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Well I guess it's about that time.

I'm going to have to agree that Obama is "playing" politics's. It's a damn shame because I still believe he is a good man. Yet, like so many politicians, he has come the point where he has to lie to defend his "campaign".

The tactics used by the detractors to bring down his campaign, has forced his hand. Instead of standing up to the attacks and defending his ideal's, he has chosen to "pander" to those who are attacking him.

It has always been obvious to me that Barak Obama has lived his life from a "Black" perspective with concerns to America's past and present. What he has found out is that the "Black" perspective and American politics don't mix.

Over the past several years we have experienced a "right-wing" movement who's sole intent is to remove the term "Black Identity" from America's landscape.

RB remembers;"Anyone can find the video of Sean Hannity interviewing Jerimah Wright a year ago on Fox News.

-Commitment to the Black community
-Commitment to the Black Family
-Adherence to the Black work ethic
-Strengthening & supporting Black institutions
-Allegiance to Black Leadership
-Embrace the Black value system

All the above has been "denounced" by Hannity as racist and divisive. Hannity notes that if the word "white" was used in place of black, the values would be deemed racist.

Well, truthfully, he's right! When Whites "had" these values enforced by "law", they indeed were racist.
Jim Crow laws were intended to "exclude" Blacks! Reverend Wrights "ideas" (which he could never have made into law) intent is to "uplift" Blacks. Even though Hannity attempts to imply "Black values" are separatist, Wright never says he is against, or for denying rights to anyone.

Jim Crow's purpose was not to "uplift" white people from the peril of self degradation, poverty, rampant crime amongst themselves, out of wedlock pregnancy, lack of education, fatherless homes, corrupt leadership, blighted neighborhoods and businesses, ect... Their purpose was to keep Blacks "separate" from them, without concern, as long as Blacks had nothing to do with Whites.

Yet, nothing in those set of "values" says Whites are to be excluded or deprived of anything.
I will invite Whites all day long to help to solve the problems in the Black community.

Yet I truly believe that it's something that we, as Black people, must solve ourselves. Thus, IF WE ARE TO SOLVE THE PROBLEMS OURSELVES, WHAT ELSE CAN IT BE CALLED OTHER THAN, A "COMMITMENT" TO THE BLACK COMMUNITY!!

Question: Are 65 to 70 percent of Black children born are out wedlock?

If your answer is yes, who should be responsible for a commitment to solving the problem?

1. Government
2. White people
3. Black people

Question: Of all the race's and communities in the U.S., which community/race has the highest percentage of crime?

What race/community did you identify? Of the three above choices, who should be responsible for solving the problem?

This is where Obama has made his mistake. Instead of standing up to the attacks against his church, he allowed his detractors to dictate his moves. Obama joined Trinity church because Trinity is truly home to the "Black" experience. Sure Jeremiah Wright has some "crazy" theories, but what preacher doesn't. (ie. Pat Roberson, Jerry Falwell)

As "right-wingers" you have bought into the idea that being "Black and Proud" is racist. Being Black and proud does not mean that you are racist. It means that you are understanding to the idea that Blacks need to improve themselves and their communities.

Far to many Blacks have shut themselves out from living the American dream. It is true that we only have ourselves to blame. Thus, the onus is upon "us" to repair the damage. The Democratic party does not have the interest of Blacks in it's agenda. The Republican party "definitely" does not have any interest in the plight of Black American.

Barak Obama had that chance to relay that to all of America. He could have convinced people that Jeremiah Wright is no more than a "link in the chain" of making America great. Obama could have qualified Wright as a presence that represents a much needed "spiritual" voice for the Black community. Wright has been proven to motivate entire communities to improve themselves and those around them. No one can deny all the good Trinity Church has done for the community it serves.

NOTE: In the mid 1990's, Sean Hannity had a 6 year ongoing relationship with "White Supremecist" Hal Turner. He lied (at first) and said he did'nt know him, then retracted it and said he only knew Turner as a caller running for public office. Turner disputes Hannity's claim and states they were quite friendly, having several discussions on and off air. Turner was also invited and attended a taping of the Hannity & Comles show at FOX studios.

2:15 AM  
Blogger Pamela said...

Watch and see who screams about bringing back the Fairness Doctrine. They do not like their deception being uncovered.

Barack Obama is not a stupid man. I'm convinced of that. I don't care what people say. You are influenced by the people you have close to you. He tried to paint a picture of a life that apparantly is not true.

It also appears that he really thinks we are stupid and will not pay attention to everything affecting candidates. We are only suppose to believe what they say. That to me is hilarious. It is extremely important to know who you choose to have around you. That shows what type of judgment you have. The fact that he first claimed a close relationship then now throws the man under the bus shows me that he is no different than other politicians. That is the only thing that Wright has said that I agree with. I believe that the speech was contrived and that in private he still has a close relationship with Wright and the other questionable people he aligns himself with.

You cannot just hear one thing and come to a conclusion. There is a pattern of behavior and speech from both he and his wife that paint a very ugly picture of their views about the US. It appears strange to me that a person that says they want to unite people aligns himself with racists, especially a racist church such as Trinity United Church of Christ.

Before anyone jumps about my comments about the church, I want to make it clear that my opinion of the church came directly from the original web site in 2002 or 2003, long before Obama came on the national scene. The text was very separatist IMHO, especially when you compare the tenets to the Bible. Obama seemed like a really nice man. When I heard that he attended that church my opinion changed. This was before I heard his policies. Again I will say this. YOU ARE INFLUENCED by the people you hang around. You are especially influenced by the leaders you listen to on a regular basis. I will never believe that Obama was a member of that church and not influenced by the lies that Wright spoke about the US. If that is truly the case he is better than the Bible. It says that bad company corrupts good morals.

10:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just goes to show, Willie Lynch is alive and well. Are you okay, too, with George Bush manipulating the news for political gain? Do you agree with Alan Greenspan that this war is an oil war?

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Barrack Obama's campaign should have been free beer and goodtimes because he doesn't have anything else that will differentiate himself from Hillary Clinton and Johnny McLame.

His sound bite should be Bush sucks for vote me!

Yeah this campaign would gold with frat boys and other young radicals!

Yes I'm making fun of Barrack Obama's weak campaign and poor credentials as a world leader.

4:14 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

With Barack Obama's relationship with Wright, the issue of judgment takes center stage.

I believe that Obama failed to see the obvious for many years, and only realizes it now because of the potential negative effect on his political aspirations.

What I want to know is… What took Barack Obama so long to see the real Jeremiah Wright? Why did it take him over 20 years to realize what many people realized in less than 5 minutes? Why did he associate with Reverend Wright in the first place?

It doesn't take a genius (or a degree from Harvard) to realize that "G** d*** America" and Exodus 20:7 are in contradiction.

Obama has shown the entire country that he is a poor judge of character. If Barack Obama lacks to wisdom to choose a church, a pastor and non-terrorist associates, then why should anyone believe he has the wisdom to choose a presidential cabinet or federal judge?

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tyrone, I have a serious question for you and your other readers here. Basically, I am wondering if Dr Wright's statements are a conscious reflection of an attitude that Barack Obama, because he has to appeal to a large white majority to win the election, is running a campaign that isn't "black" enough?

5:15 PM  
Blogger Thuyen Tran said...


A thought just occurred to me...

One part that few pick up on where Wright is really, really, really, really out of line on is him deciding to tell the whole world on national tv about his private prayer time with Obama.

To me, that might be reason by itself for Obama to turn on Wright. And a good reason. It won't be a case of Obama throwing Wright under the bus either.

Here's why. If a pastor has a private time with any of us and then betrays our confidence before the whole world to know, would any of us tolerate that? I would not and I can't think if any who would.

So if there is a motive for Obama turning on Wright, I think that part right there might have sealed the deal. Not so much the more hateful rhetorics by Wright (which confirmed what many have said and make his defenders so foolish to claim they were taken out of context), that would have been enough for Obama to want to distance himself.

But betrayal of confidence like Wright pulled, even if we don't count any other factors.

Big no-no.

And I do hold Wright to higher standard here than Obama since Wright is his spiritual leader and was given charge over him.

He had fiduality and confidential duties, and sadly he disregarded them.

12:34 AM  
Blogger Thuyen Tran said...

"Obama joined Trinity church because Trinity is truly home to the "Black" experience. Sure Jeremiah Wright has some "crazy" theories, but what preacher doesn't. (ie. Pat Roberson, Jerry Falwell)"

Since you want to mention those two names, those two also have the humility enough to apologize when called out on some of their more controversial statements. And I seriously doubt the liberal attacks on them got them to change their minds and realize they were wrong. Conservative Christians, I believe (given my experience around some who criticized those two), probably were the ones that give them an earful about how out of bounds biblically they were being.

How spiritual is it to slur the wrong race for the death of Christ, as in Italians, with the garlic remark? How spiritual is it to accuse the US of inventing AIDs to kill blacks or pass drugs to blacks? Or pass Hama antisemitic propaganda while preaching how evil Israel is and making Palestinians out to be pure victims? How spiritual is it to refer to a missing victim as a drunken whore? How spiritual is it to make the atoning sacrifice out to be proof of rich white men are out to keep poor men down? How spiritual is to now turn complaints about what Americans had historically done to blacks into attempt to castigate the white race even using the Bible as divine judgment on that race?

12:41 AM  
Blogger Thuyen Tran said...

"It also appears that he really thinks we are stupid and will not pay attention to everything affecting candidates. We are only suppose to believe what they say. That to me is hilarious. It is extremely important to know who you choose to have around you. That shows what type of judgment you have."

I have seen people complain the only reason why Obama gets attacked for his associations was for those whom he chose to hang around. They apparently have a short memory of their own politcal party in recent history. Did they not forget both Bill and Hilary Clinton were bombarded with questions about many scandals they were involved when Bill ran for the first time for President, and the associations they had that were involved in other scandals?

And the soundbite standard they claimed...uh it takes one soundbite to undo Imus, Lott, and a whole cast of characters, some who deserve it, and some who does not.

So I do laugh about fairness doctrine. It is only fair to some folks if it is done to the enemy.

Oh how I wish truth is not so relative like that.

12:45 AM  
Blogger Thuyen Tran said...

"Just goes to show, Willie Lynch is alive and well. Are you okay, too, with George Bush manipulating the news for political gain? Do you agree with Alan Greenspan that this war is an oil war?"

So you call criticizing Wright lynching?

By your logic, then you also accuse Obama of the same now that he strongly condemned what Wright said.

By your logic, you should also make the same accusations at those on your side of the issue whenever they criticize people for soundbites for things they said you don't like.

And by your logic, you would be guilty, too, since you criticize what we say here! LOL

12:59 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

thuyen tran"I do believe him when he said he felt disrespected by Wright"

The only way I can believe Obama is if he was connected to a lie detector machine and the results came back negative thuyen tran. I wouldn't doubt it if Obama and Wright planned this whole episode out for the purpose of people having some sort of sympathy for Obama.Once in the Moyers interview with politician label. And then again at the press club. So I do believe Obama there"

thuyen tran"Once in the Moyers interview with politician label. And then again at the press club. So I do believe Obama there"

That so called interview was beyond a joke. Talk about softball questions. Moyer's questions to right made the questions Jeff Gannon gave to Bush seem like a 99 mph fastball. I would like to know who's idea it was for Obama to meet with the press core and have the interview with Moyer in the first place.

p allen"I'm going to have to agree that Obama is "playing" politics's. It's a damn shame because I still believe he is a good man. Yet, like so many politicians, he has come the point where he has to lie to defend his "campaign"

Am I reading this right Allen? Obama is "playing" politics?!! Actually your right, but I would have never thought that you of all people would actually admit it!lol
In Obama's political stump speeches he talks about how he is going to "change Washington". Now it has been revealed that he is nobody revolutionary at all. He's just a typical power hungry politican that will say anything to get the votes. If Obama wasn't running for President, I serioulsy doubt Obama's relationship with Wright would have changed one bite. They still would have been tight. Cutting the ties with Wright or giving the illusion of cutting the ties might not save his campaign. If something eles happens between now and July concerning Obama, the super delegates are going to have to go for Hillary period. I'm still not sure how the William Ares affliation is going to play out though.

P Allen"The tactics used by the detractors to bring down his campaign, has forced his hand. Instead of standing up to the attacks and defending his ideal's, he has chosen to "pander" to those who are attacking him"

How exactly could he stand up to his "detractors"? Obama has brought everything on himself. Obama made the fatal miscalculation of thinking that nobody would care to do the research about his past and his current affliations. He thought wrong obviously. Liberals spewed that the right wingers were using "opposition research" against Obama. I call it "gathering the facts".

P Allen"It has always been obvious to me that Barak Obama has lived his life from a "Black" perspective with concerns to America's past and present. What he has found out is that the "Black" perspective and American politics don't mix"

In Obama's book he wrote about how hard it was for him to be comfortable being black in America. That's why I never could figure out why he would run for President. I don't believe any racial persepctives should come into play when running for the most powerful position in the world. It should come down the candidate's "character" and his or her's "policy". Running for political office is all about appealing to the most people. Obama went from being a leading political candidate that happened to be black, to now just being the black candidate.

P Allen "Over the past several years we have experienced a "right-wing" movement who's sole intent is to remove the term "Black Identity" from America's landscape. "

Oh really Allen, please do tell how this is happening?

P Allen"Well, truthfully, he's right! When Whites "had" these values enforced by "law", they indeed were racist

Oh please Allen. If a bunch of Aryan Skinheads use the term "white power", are you honestly going to say that in your mind and heart they "aren't" racist? Using your concept then, that means that no person who happens to be white "can't" be racist, because there aren't any law that is racist towards another group right? By the way, Jim Crow ended over 40 years ago Allen.

Also, what do blacks in 2008 need to be "uplifted" from Allen? Trinity's black value system talked about "disavowing middle classism". If anyone is keeping blacks dowin is peopole like Jerimah Wright. He talked so much about American being the "KKK of A" yet his new $1.6 million dollar house is in a gated community in a wealty part of Chicago in a mostly WHITE COMMUNITY. So what is up with this picture Allen? His church tells its congregation not to try and obtain wealth and move up the economic ladder, yet its ok for Jerimah Wright to do so? He said that Hillary doesn't know what it's like to be called a "nigger", yet Jerimah Wright isn't building his house among "his people"? I wish I could come up with a stronger word to use other then calling Wright a "two faced hypocrite". Blacks in America need to be uplifted alright. They need to be uplifted and delivered from black manipulators who want to keep other blacks thinking they are victims.

P Allen "I will invite Whites all day long to help to solve the problems in the Black community. "

Funny you should mention that Allen. When white conservatives talk about how young black men need to take responsiblity for their actions such as marrying the girls they knock up, they are called a racist. They say things like "conservatives are picking on blacks". Most blacks don't want to hear the truth, they expect a government program to fix the problem. How long has it been so far?

1:21 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

I'll finish the rest tomorrow.

1:24 AM  
Blogger Jason said...

I think the whole show is awesome. Just wish I had some popcorn to go with it.

11:58 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

RB responds;"Am I reading this right Allen?"

Yep! You're reading it right!

Obama has taken that turn for the worse. Perhaps, at the behest of his campaign advisers, he has decided to ditch the; "Negative campaigning is contrary to the message", persona.

RB says;"How exactly could he stand up to his "detractors"? Obama has brought everything on himself. Obama made the fatal miscalculation of thinking that nobody would care to do the research about his past and his current affliations."

As I said, he should have refuted that Wrights assertions were Anti-American, racist and separatist. He should have kept Wrights words in the context which Wright himself explained them. If people wanted to believe that Wright wanted to "Goddamn" America, Obama could have simply said;

To be spoken with emphasis
He [Rev. Wright] might think that God damns America, but I [Obama] seek to make sure America does not take that road. He [Wright], as a preacher of the gospel, believes that, in Gods eyes, America is on a course of self destruction. I [Obama] believe that, we as a people, can make America into the great civilization we all pray for and deserve. He [Wright] believes that the "present administration" is blind and corrupt for waging war in a land that had nothing to do with our enemies. I [Obama] believe that our sovereignty and security is best served when our enemies are confronted in the caves and poppy fields where "they" live (Afghanistan), not where they invite themselves to blow-up, maim and kill our brave men and women (Iraq) in service to our great country.

The idea should have been to keep the onus off of himself. You are exactly right Tyrone, to say that if Obama was not running for president, he would still be a member of Wrights church.

For that reason, Obama should not have "thrown Wright under the bus." As it turns out, Rev. Wright's words continue to hurt Obama's campaign despite his repudiation of the reverend. The best move would have been to "enforce", then "re-enforce" the idea that Wright's words are Wright's words, not Obama's.

I watched Bill O'reilly the other night, and on several occasions he made a "freudian" slip (yeah...sure..a freudian slip, yeah right) by saying Obama's name when referring to something Wright said, and vis-versa... Both men's names are totally different, yet he made the "slip" (yeah...right) several times.

What O'rielly did is exactly what Obama's detractors what voters to believe. That is, that Obama and Wright are one in the same. Yet, I believe it has been Obama's distancing of Wright as cause for much of the confusion. Obama should have never distanced himself from Wright nor the statements.

I believe it would have been best to add "context" to Wrights rhetoric. Allow Wright to say whatever he wanted, and continue to "pound home" the fact that Jeremiah Wright is Jeremiah Wright, and Barak Obama is Barak Obama.

10:56 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

RB asks;"Also, what do blacks in 2008 need to be "uplifted" from Allen?"

Blacks, as a group? Well, as you said, white conservatives only "talk" about it. I propose that Blacks, as a group, "DO" something about;

-The highest crime rate among any group in America.
-The highest rate of out-of-wed births in America.
-The lowest academic test scores in America.
-Municipalities inefficiently governed.
The last I checked, these problems plauged most blacks living in Baltimore...

RB;"He talked so much about American being the "KKK of A" yet his new $1.6 million dollar house is in a gated community in a wealty part of Chicago in a mostly WHITE COMMUNITY."

Is Wright the only preacher who lives in a million dollar home? It is my opinion that "NO" preacher should have a million dollar home! Wright should give his up along with every other preacher, black, white, yellow, red, Christian, Protestant, Baptist, Muslim, Jewish, Buddist....whatever!

RB;"If a bunch of Aryan Skinheads use the term "white power", are you honestly going to say that in your mind and heart they "aren't" racist?"

If a bunch of holocuast survivers use the term "Jew Power" would you say they were racist?

If a bunch of American Indians use the term "Cherokee Power" would you say they are racist?

If Jews in the middle east use the term "Israeli Power" would you say they are racist?

My point is, if a race in todays America, (such as the one of which "you" are a part), has visible "internal" problems and struggles, other races should not be afraid of that race using "internal power" as a means of improving their condition.


RB says;"They say things like "conservatives are picking on blacks". Most blacks don't want to hear the truth, they expect a government program to fix the problem."

I don't know about blacks believing they are picked on by conservatives, because conservatives tend to "talk" about the problems and then turn their backs.

Most Blacks know that conservatives (republicans), for the most part, could care less about the problems in Black communities. Hell, thats precisely why most Blacks don't vote Republican!

Republicans, and their pundits, will talk "all day" about; "how Blacks look toward government to solve their problems, how Blacks are "duped" by their leaders and the Democratic party, how majority Black cities and communities are run down and blighted".

Yet, in the same breath, when someone like a Rev. Jeremiah Wright "preaches" commitment to the Black community, commitment to the Black Family, adherence to the Black work ethic, strengthening & supporting Black institutions.... suddenly, the idea changes! All the things they say are wrong in the black community, becomes "RACIST" if someone within the Black community attempts to address the problems!!!

Wright became a "RACIST" for saying that black people need to "empower" THEMSELVES!!! Hell, we're still those same "Americans" that the republicans so clearly pointed out as "wanting government to solve our problems!!" It's just that the problem exists in "BLACK AMERICA" as the republicans and conservatives have so duly noted!

Wright was not implying that the "GOVERNMENT" should give Blacks anything. (other than his accusations of injecting AIDS into the community, something we "did'nt" need!) What his church does is attempt to empower Blacks and their communities.

Yet, don't take my word for it....ask the "White" parishers, and those Whites that have studied their faith under his tutorledge. Then you can ask your SKINHEADS how many blacks belong to their church!!!!!!!!!!

The question is, when will Blacks, Democrats, Republicans, Liberals Conservatives... whatever your "political" angle is, realize that "Black Power" is not a pathology of superiority and delusions. Black Power is self image of rationality, self confidence, restraint and pragmatism.

I think we all agree that Government can't solve the problems that exist for most blacks. We should also agree that Democrats nor Republicans or other races (in America)really care. So where does that leave us......? OURSELVES, we as a community, church, political body, identity, fellowship, business partner, educational system and family.

And, guess what? We will still be AMERICANS! Would'nt that be nice?

12:27 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon"Just goes to show, Willie Lynch is alive and well. Are you okay, too, with George Bush manipulating the news for political gain? Do you agree with Alan Greenspan that this war is an oil war?"

For starters, Allan Greenspan has zero credibility with me. Tom Bannaky was Allan Greenspans choice and look at the failure Bannaky has turned out to be. THe role of a fed cheif is to keep inflation under control, Bannaky is doing the opposite by cutting interest rates thus causing the devalution of the dollar which causes oil prices to rise which creates inflationary pressure throughout the economy. As for his statement about us going to Iraq for its oil, where is any evidence that Bush, Cheney or our government has secured one drop of Iraqs oil? With gas prices approaching $4.00, I would welcome Iraqs oil. Peopole who use the "war for oil" spew really should be quite, because these same people tend to not want our country to be independent of foriegn oil to begin with.

anon"Are you okay, too, with George Bush manipulating the news for political gain?"

If I recall right George Bush doesn't work for any news outlet. How can Bush "manipulate" the news? Liberals refer to Bush as being beyond dumb. So how can a "dumb man" manipulate the news for political gain? Since Bush is a lame duck president, so what exactly does he have to gain politically?

12:53 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Pamela"Barack Obama is not a stupid man. I'm convinced of that. I don't care what people say. You are influenced by the people you have close to you. He tried to paint a picture of a life that apparantly is not true."

I have to disagree Pamela. Barack thought that his affliation with Ares, Right, and being a member of
Trinity wasn't going to be a problem for him running for President. Barack isn't a smart man for thinking that. I have no doubt Jerimah Wright and Trinity had a major impact in his life over 20 years. The Obama koolaid drinkers will believe anything Obama tells them. In their eyes morality, truth, honesty etc don't matter to them. All they care about is one word marketing campaign slogans. According to the latest polls, Barack is losing a great deal of support among independents. It was to be expected. Die Hard liberals both black and white will go for Obama, its the middle of the road types Obama can't afford to lose but is.

Pamela"The fact that he first claimed a close relationship then now throws the man under the bus shows me that he is no different than other politicians"

I agree with Jerimah Wright Pamela when he said Barack Obama is a politican, and will do or say anything. Obama suckered many people into believing he was the going to be the oracle of change. The red flags should have went off in the minds of Obama supporters when all of the old fossil Democrats in congress endoresed Obama. Certain people fall of mass marketing, and Obama is just that. Four years ago, people outside of Illionois didn't even know who Barack Obama was no all of a sudden he's suppose to be taken seriously for President?

1:23 AM  
Blogger Thuyen Tran said...

"Wright became a "RACIST" for saying that black people need to "empower" THEMSELVES!!! "

That is not honest of you to make that claim, Allen.

People accused Wright of being racist for slurring Italians and for making the Bible into a book about struggle between "rich white man" and "poor black man." And for supporting Hama hate literature against Israel. And for following a theology that calls for destruction of white man.

To say people call him a racist for being for empowerment of blacks is 1) falsely accuse others of racism as if their motive is to keep blacks down when they make no such claims you allege in them, 2) ignore all the racist rantings of Wright against different ethnic groups, 3) divert criticism by deflection not actually dealing with the points made.

That is why the more people defend Wright, the more they are marganilized. Not for speaking their minds, but for speaking their minds in ways any sane person can see as utterly baseless.

"I agree with Jerimah Wright Pamela when he said Barack Obama is a politican, and will do or say anything."

I agree with Wright about Obama. But Wright was still wrong to be the one who said it. He is Obama's pastor so he has a responsibility to Obama not to violate anything that might be confidential between them.

1:36 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

eric"I believe that Obama failed to see the obvious for many years, and only realizes it now because of the potential negative effect on his political aspirations"

Obama was attracted to Trinity United not because of Christ but because of how Jerimah and the church altered it. Barack even said that it was Wright that established his beliefs. If Obama would have been a member of a church that was racially motivated, he wouldn't be in the situation he's in now eric. I still can't figure out the connection between "race" and "religion" when it comes to "liberation marxist theology".
I attended several churches on the east side of Baltimore growing up, and no pastor ever thought the venom Wright thought. I also ticked me off hearing Wright claim that all black churches think like him.

eric"What took Barack Obama so long to see the real Jeremiah Wright"

trust me eric, Obama has always known the "real" Jerimah Wright. Wright just made it too hot for Obama. You heard the old saying eric "when you play with fire, your going to get burned" Well Obama just figured out who was the fire, and we all know who got burned. Even Oprah Whinfrey didn't stick around as a member of Trinity. I wish I knew if it was because of Wright.

Eric"It doesn't take a genius (or a degree from Harvard) to realize that "G** d*** America" and Exodus 20:7 are in contradiction"

Not only that, but what kind of Pastor would stand in front of the pulpit and say "G** D*** America" in the first place. Amazing how a psudeo pastor had no problem using the lords name in vain yet swear he has some sort of moral authority.

Obama's keen judgement is just as bad as Jimmy Carter's eric, that would be no judgement. Something tells me if Obama becomes presidents, dictators, warloards and others will walk alll over him. Thats all our country needs.

1:46 AM  
Blogger Pamela said...

CB, I must agree with you that he is probably shocked at all the uproar. His handling of that appears to be an issue that will hurt him no matter what opinion you have of him. It will be interesting to see how the super-delegates line up. I doubt that this will end in June as the DNC would like. Too many twists and turns.

CB, My Mom taped Bill O'Reilley's interview with Hillary Clinton. I will check it out. I'm sure it will be the interview of the year. I know that she held her own. I want to know if you saw it. I'm sure if you did that you will post on it.

9:27 AM  
Blogger themail said...

Republican Brother's are not very common although an interesting blog and concept. I just stumbled across your blog. I have to say when I read the title wake up black america I thought this site would be more like a Spike Lee film. I could not have been more wrong. I saw the Sean Hannity Dr. Wright interview last year. Sean Hannity is a college dropout and associates with Bob Grant and Hal Turner who are racist. Dr. Wright associates with white people, black people, mexicans, chinese and all races. So you say Dr. Wright is a racist because Sean Hannity says so? I dont' agree with everything Dr. Wright says. So why would you think that Sean Hannity is more credible than Dr. Wright. Is Sean Hannity a republican brother like you?

2:26 PM  
Blogger Thuyen Tran said...

"Dr. Wright associates with white people, black people, mexicans, chinese and all races. So you say Dr. Wright is a racist because Sean Hannity says so?"

Nope, people say Wright based on the many things he said. Ask Italians if they think he is racist against them specifically. Ask Jews the same question. Ask whites the same question.

And you might like to look at Wright's words in regards to left-brain and right-brain. What happens if a white had said what he said there about blacks and whites?

7:23 PM  
Blogger Thuyen Tran said...

"Dr. Wright associates with white people, black people, mexicans, chinese and all races."

And Hannity associates himself with the same groups. So you just argue against your own point Hannity is racist by association there.

7:25 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

themail said "I have to say when I read the title wake up black america I thought this site would be more like a Spike Lee film."

Please, baby, please, baby, baby please. Spike Lee is an idiot whose best movie is only fair at best. This site is far beyond fair, even among those with opinions contrary to the host.

themail said "I could not have been more wrong."

I agree. You will learn more here than at a thousand Spike Lee joints.

themail said "So you say Dr. Wright is a racist because Sean Hannity says so?"

No, because Wright says so himself. You can hear and read his comments for yourself, or you can take Obama's word for it.
If you don't trust you own judgment, then you will probably believe Obama.

Obama said, "His comments were not only divisive and destructive, I believe they end up giving comfort to those who prey on hate."

IMO, if it took Obama 20 years to realize that Wright is a hate monger, then it will likely take an Obama support at least twice that long.

Jemimah Wright is a hate filled racist whose preaching lacked any biblical context. He is like any other good liar or false teacher, he mixes lie with truth that it can be difficult to separate the two. He is not of God. A man of God would not preach hatred and racial division.

themail said "I dont' agree with everything Dr. Wright says."

Good for you!!! Where there is life, there is hope. Keep hope alive. You don't agree with Wright, and neither does the word of God.

themail said "So why would you think that Sean Hannity is more credible than Dr. Wright."

A $2 crack whore is more credible than Wright. At least the whore is honest about who she is and what she does. Wright preaches racial hatred, division, and blaming others for our problems, while living in a $1.6 million dollar home among "rich white people."

themail, although you may not realize who or what Jeremiah Wright is, there are many who could see beyond the mask immediately. Obama may be a good person at heart, but his poor judge of character will continue to haunt his political career. If he can't choose a church, a pastor, or non-terrorist associates, then the American people won't trust him to pick a presidential cabinet or a judge.

"But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping." (2 Peter 2:1-3)

7:54 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

the mail"Sean Hannity is a college dropout and associates with Bob Grant and Hal Turner who are racist."

So are you saying that you don't value anyone's opinion if they aren't a "college graduate"? How elitist of you. Thats the sign of a perfect liberal. I've noticed that its basic liberal boilerplate to call anybody who doesn't agree with liberal ideology a "racist". It's along the lines of the "boy who cried" wolf. Everytime the word racist is used so commonly, it loses its impact as a word. Instead of trying to label someone as a "racist", how about you actually state what indeed makes that person a "racist"?

the mail"Dr. Wright associates with white people, black people, mexicans, chinese and all races"

He does? Thats news to me. When Wright refered to Italians as "garlic nosed romans" was that how he "associated" with them?

I guess when Wright refered to America as the " KKK of A", that was how he associates with Whites in America? I can't for the life of me figure out why people would actually try and defend a person like Jerimah Wright. You actullay try to defen the racial stupidity of Wright yet criticize Hannity and Grant? Classic

the mail"So why would you think that Sean Hannity is more credible than Dr. Wright. Is Sean Hannity a republican brother like you"

Well lets see. For starters Sean Hannity doesn't mix race with religion. Jerimah Wright does. Sean Hannity believes like I do that we are all the children of god equally. Jerimah Wright believes in just the opposite. Race has no place in a church. Any true Christian understands that. I serioulsy doubt you could ever comprehend that.

the msil"Republican Brother's are not very common although an interesting blog and concept"

What can I say,appealing to those who believe in the whole black monolithic mindset stereotype doesn't work for me. I kind of like to think as an individual not as a group. Hope you don't mind. lol

the mail"Wright. Is Sean Hannity a republican brother like you"

Actually no he's not. Sean Hannity is a registered Indepedent. Me and Hannity are brothers in the ideology of conservatism and the theology of Christianity. Hope that helped

10:37 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

Hey, did you hear Rev. Eugene Rivers on Hannity's America discuss the how Black Liberation Theology is just "warmed over" Marxism masquerading as religion. It was no surprise to me, but Wow!!!

10:54 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

10:58 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

dana, I'm having problems with the link. To answer your question, I believe Jerimah Wright needs Obama to fail. It would be hard for the likes of Jerimah Wright, Joseph Lowerey, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson etc to use race to control and enrage blacks if a black man was actually elected President by a sizeable percentage of whites. The "KKK of A" statements by Wright automatically lose their effectiveness. Jerimah Wright, Farahkan, Jackson, and Sharpton all made thier fortunes using race to manipulate blacks, if that changes the gravy train would be over.

11:04 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

themail, here is a video for you.

Rev. Eugene Rivers - Barack Obama - Rev. Jeremiah Wright


11:20 PM  
Blogger Pamela said...

This morning I heard an entire sermon of Wright on the radio. It included some of the sound-bites that have been emphasized in the media. It was preached on Palm Sunday (forget the year) but not one time was anything preached about the gospel. The context of the comments is worse than just hearing the comments. He has twisted the mission of Jesus in a way I have not heard in a very long time. After hearing the message I can understand how a very impressionable person would hate our government. They would also have no knowledge of the true gospel. I understand comments made by Obama and his wife. I also can see why Obama may not wear the flag. I will not judge why he refuses to wear it. However hearing the message would not make me like the USA.

I had already made my conclusion about the church and its mission from the web page. Now I realize that the former pastor is obsessed with pure hatred for the USA and for those that are not black. That is horrible in general. For a 'Christian' preacher to have that hard of a heart is frightening. It is showing people a false view of God. He is not preaching the gospel. Christianity is not a separate group of races but one blood. The man needs a lot of prayer. The love of money has gotten to him.

11:41 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

PAA said;""Wright became a "RACIST" for saying that black people need to "empower" THEMSELVES!!!"

Tran says;"That is not honest of you to make that claim, Allen"

Excuse me Tran, you can make a case that Rev. Wright says some peculiar, even crazy things. You can make a case the Rev. Wright is self centered for defending himself without regard to Obama's presidential campaign. You can even make the case that, as a preacher, Rev. Wright live's an unwarranted (in my opinion) "lavish" lifestyle.

The accusations of racism occurred "prior" to the release of the now infamous "Goddamn" America video. It should be noted that from the outset Hannity accused the church of being racist.

In his very first television interview Sean Hannity, Rev. Wright, and The Trinity Church was accused of a being "racist" and "separatist" organization. Hannity had not even spoken with Rev. Wright prior to his [Hannity] accusations of racism. The church doctrine of "black values" were at the core of his attacks.

"Black Values", (or "any" idea that Black people should inherit or devise a system of collective economics, business, commerce, education, religion, politics, ect...) is frowned upon by many in American society.

The conservative view, which some of you hold here, opposes any idea that Blacks should recognize, identify, qualify, nor accept that we (as Black people) have a common heritage and should work together.

Moreover, conservatives view Blacks as a "sub-group" of American culture. It is this view that spawns a whole range of "fears" by those who oppose "Black Values."

The plain and simple fact is that conservatives oppose any idea that relates to Blacks taking a road that appears "separate" from White America. It is obvious and plain as the nose on your face that there are, White communities, Black communities, Asian communities, Arab communities, Hispanic communities as well as others in America.

Yet out of all of these communities, which one appears to be mostly in disarray? Which community has more crime? Which community has the least amount of commerce and business? Which community has the lowest high school graduation rate and lowest standard test scores?

Ask a conservative, and he will "scream" from atop the soap box, "BLACK AMERICANS"!!

So, whats the conservative solution for the "Black" community?
-Bring fathers back into the home! Great! Wonderful idea! Grand solution!
-Promote abstinence and sexual responsibility among all! Perfect! You can't think of a better way!
-Encourage and promote education, self responsibility and hard work! Sounds like a winner to me. Best idea yet.
-Encourage and promote entrepreneurship and economic independence! Right on! Very smart!

Okay!! Let's get started! What well need to do first is have all Black people from all walks of life come together and create a Black consensus....WHOAAAAAA! You can't do that...THATS RACIST!

Reminiscent the spirit and memory of Archbishop John Joseph Hughes by challenging the U.S. government with concerns to education, economics and public political policies, Archbishop "Dagger John" embarked on a quest to "separately" educate Irish-Catholics to transform the Irish community. Hughes helped form the "Irish Emigrant Society" which started banks to fund "Irish" businesses.

Realizing that educationing the young was the key, Hughes created an entirely "separate" educational system designed to educate his people. In case your unfamiliar with them they were called CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. Plain and simple, by "today's" conservative standards, Hughes would be a "RACIST"!

Bottom line is Blacks are much to divided politically, economically and socially. As long as these divisions exist we can expect no more than what we see presently in our communities.

On the political front I shame the Democrats and Liberals for allowing this to happen. A larger shame goes out to the Conservative Republican for preventing any change which allows it to continue.

3:29 AM  
Blogger Thuyen Tran said...

"The accusations of racism occurred "prior" to the release of the now infamous "Goddamn" America video. It should be noted that from the outset Hannity accused the church of being racist."

And Hannity was right. The fact that Wright said he followed the theology of Cone proves that point. Cone said this theology called for the destruction of the white man.

It is one thing for sinful man to have seperate communities based on race. It is another to have a theology that mandates that.

9:14 AM  
Blogger Thuyen Tran said...

"I had already made my conclusion about the church and its mission from the web page. Now I realize that the former pastor is obsessed with pure hatred for the USA and for those that are not black. That is horrible in general. For a 'Christian' preacher to have that hard of a heart is frightening. It is showing people a false view of God. He is not preaching the gospel. Christianity is not a separate group of races but one blood. The man needs a lot of prayer. The love of money has gotten to him."

I think it is more likely than not that you are right that the love of money has gotten to him.

On the other hand, I won't write him as lost. I would say someone unfit to be preacher or pastor. The reason is even preachers or pastors are sinful like the rest of us. Where they differentiate from the rest of us is that they are held to higher standard of accountability for what they say and do. That is where I believe Wright is unfit to be a preacher. He also was very influenced by bad theology and worse bad science (if you listen to his left and right brain comments as differences between the races).

If he has faith in Christ crucified than he is saved, and bad theology in regards to how God does not see differences in color I don't think will change that. It may show he is very immature in the faith still. It may show he is at risk of falling away into apostasy and lost again, if he is not already.

Keep in mind the early church had problems with issue of people by seperated by nationality, and Paul actually one time had to rebuke Peter over that, too, when on top of that, circumcision became an issue.

9:20 AM  
Blogger Thuyen Tran said...

"Moreover, conservatives view Blacks as a "sub-group" of American culture. It is this view that spawns a whole range of "fears" by those who oppose "Black Values.""

You stink at speaking for what conservatives believe. It looks like you are guided by your own fears and prejudices of what conservatives are.

9:21 AM  
Blogger Thuyen Tran said...

"The accusations of racism occurred "prior" to the release of the now infamous "Goddamn" America video. It should be noted that from the outset Hannity accused the church of being racist."

And that somehow disproves the racist POV of his church? LOL

There are people besides Hannity that pointed out on the net how bad this church is in terms of its racial hate of others long before any of this got realise through the media outside of fox. Alot of people knew about this, and the media for most part ignored it for a whole year til it all came out.

9:25 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

P Allen"Okay!! Let's get started! What well need to do first is have all Black people from all walks of life come together and create a Black consensus....WHOAAAAAA! You can't do that...THATS RACIST!"

You missed the mark again allen. It's not about creating a "black consensus".Conservatives believe thats need to help themselves as "individuals" not a "group". You think that its a parallel and its not. I'm a black man, I have a strong work ethic, I believe in taking care of my family, I believe in helping my community etc. Notice I didn't mention anything about race Allen. Most of the values in my value system are "religious based" not "race based". See the difference?

P Allen"The accusations of racism occurred "prior" to the release of the now infamous "Goddamn" America video. It should be noted that from the outset Hannity accused the church of being racist."

Hannity is being made out to be the target for bringing Jerimah Wright to light, but the fact is that a "black reporter" by the name of Erik Rush was the one who originally reported the story of the Trinity United Church of Christ's value system, Sean Hannity was the one who happened to pick up on Erik's story and ran with it.

This was the orginal column that Rush wrote that started it all.


If Obama supporters would have done a little thing called "research", they would have known this. So in reality the "unsung hero" that exposed Obama's church and his pastor wasn't Hannity but Erik Rush.

9:27 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

P Allen"The plain and simple fact is that conservatives oppose any idea that relates to Blacks taking a road that appears "separate" from White America. It is obvious and plain as the nose on your face"

Thats an odd statement Allen. You say "appear" separate? Let me ask you a question Allen. What percentage of blacks in America do you think actually love the United States of America? The conservative message to blacks have been that blacks are "Americans" and they can achieve anything if they work hard for it. Thats not what I would call a "racist" message. Some blacks made the argument that blacks were actually better off during the time of Jim Crow, due to their being "black businesses", "black communities", "black entertainment districts" etc. If they were right, there wouldn't have been a need for the Civil Rights movement. Well as the old saying goes, the rest is history Allen. This is an ultra simple concept that alot of blacks can't seem to wrap their minds around, but its true.

"A strong group can't be established until there is first strong individuals".

The group mentality among blacks have damaged them in this country far more then it has helped.

9:43 AM  
Blogger Thuyen Tran said...


There is a certain irony in you wanting to use Spike Lee's name to defend Wright's character.

Lee does not think much of Wright's character at this point:


The Wright Thing

Director Spike Lee wants Reverend Jeremiah Wright to do the right thing and shut up. Lee tells the British newspaper The Guardian, "Jeremiah Wright needs to be quiet. If he loves Barack Obama he needs to shut up right now."

And Lee hinted at a political conspiracy behind Wright's comments: "It makes me question his motives for talking. I'm starting to wonder whether somebody has been contributing to the building funds of his church. Seriously... It looks like he's being paid to keep talking."

9:46 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Tran replies;"You stink at speaking for what conservatives believe. It looks like you are guided by your own fears and prejudices of what conservatives are."

"There is no significant segment of people living in America who believe they or their interests are NOT America's interests. There is ONLY one singular American culture, with one SINGULAR language (English). What you mistakenly refer to as "black culture," is merely a sub-group like Southern whites interests in NASCAR and Country music, etc., or the Asian-American and Hispanic-American sub-groups."
-JMK, Febuary 2008-

Was not, and is not my "stinky"... Frankly, I think the idea is a "crock of S&#T." Yet, JMK is not the only conservative I've heard or read to spout this maddness.

Tran replies;"And that somehow disproves the racist POV of his church? LOL"

Actually, what I was trying to say is that Hannity saw a church that had a system of "Black Values" and did what concervatives do! Conservative doctrine instructs you to reject any form of African American collectivism.

RB;"The group mentality among blacks have damaged them in this country far more then it has helped."
Conservatives believe thats need to help themselves as "individuals" not a "group".

Not quite on that last one. Conservatives believe "Blacks" should help themselves as individuals. Black groups, (unless they are conservative), are considered a threat.

RB says;" Some blacks made the argument that blacks were actually better off during the time of Jim Crow, due to their being "black businesses", "black communities", "black entertainment districts" etc."

Sad, but true. There was a cohesiveness in black communities. Blacks were "forced" to stay in their own communities, thus we made do with what we had. (eg..lemonade otta' lemons!)

RB asks;"Let me ask you a question Allen. What percentage of blacks in America do you think actually love the United States of America?"

Hell, I have no idea...

I would be willing to say that "many" blacks see's it this way;
"If you can't be with the one you love, love the one ya with"!

4:50 PM  
Blogger Thuyen Tran said...

"Actually, what I was trying to say is that Hannity saw a church that had a system of "Black Values" and did what concervatives do! Conservative doctrine instructs you to reject any form of African American collectivism."

That is funny you make that claim (without documentation from any conservatives). And then undermine it with this statement:

"Not quite on that last one. Conservatives believe "Blacks" should help themselves as individuals. Black groups, (unless they are conservative), are considered a threat."

So you want to discount black conservative groups when you say conservatives opposed any form of black collectivism?

Don't wash. Last I check black conservative groups, just like any other group, get together for specific goals.

Conservatives hold up individual achievement as model. That does not mean we are opposed to people associating themselves with others based on common things like heritage or culture or whatever for specific purposes.

9:25 PM  
Blogger Thuyen Tran said...

"There is no significant segment of people living in America who believe they or their interests are NOT America's interests. There is ONLY one singular American culture, with one SINGULAR language (English). What you mistakenly refer to as "black culture," is merely a sub-group like Southern whites interests in NASCAR and Country music, etc., or the Asian-American and Hispanic-American sub-groups."

And where in that statement by jmk is opposition given to any sub-group?

Sorry, but you need to do better than that. I will let jmk speaks for himself when he gets chance here, if he wants to.

I was referring, Allen, to your statement that conservative people opposed Wright out of racism against blacks, over "black values," whatever that mean.

If "black values" mean being real men, following Christ, honoring family, not making excuses for one's mistakes by blaming society and others, loving others regardless of color, honoring our governments, then I have no problem with that.

The word "black values" is vague in meaning. If it is defined in the way Cone defined it, why would not people feared that when it calls for their extermination?

If anything, Wright plays on fears of others.

Or do you conveniently forget the AIDs conspiracy theory? Or drugs conspiracy theory? Both of which plays on fears of blacks that white boogeyman are still out to get them and also takes away personal responsibility (basically turning free enterprise upside down by saying those who do drugs are not responsible for their actions since government gave it to them, forgetting that without demand, there would be no supply).

9:32 PM  
Blogger JMK said...

The conservative message to blacks have been that blacks are "Americans" and they can achieve anything if they work hard for it. (Tyrone)

Absolutely CORRECT.

"There is no significant segment of people living in America who believe they or their interests are NOT America's interests. There is ONLY one singular American culture, with one SINGULAR language (English). What you mistakenly refer to as "black culture," is merely a sub-group like Southern whites interests in NASCAR and Country music, etc., or the Asian-American and Hispanic-American sub-groups." JMK, Febuary 2008

Also ABSOLUTELY CORRECT and completely in line with what Tyrone just said above.

Conservatives oppose any and all separatist movements. They opposed Southern Secession back in 1861 and they oppose white and black separatist movements today.

No one is going to argue that Jerry Wright’s views aren’t racist/bigoted, just as no one’s going to argue that there’s a difference between black and white bigotry.

IF there were some way to argue that black bigotry is...I don’t know, say “a legitimate response to oppression,” then I suppose one could frame an argument around such a view that black bigotry is not as malignant as white bigotry, but to date no one’s made such an argument, at least no one’s made that argument successfully.

Moreover, such an argument would simply further alienate blacks and whites and make the argument in favor of racial separatism.

Wright’s views are as vile as Tom Metzger’s are and in fact, the Jerry Wright’s of the world are a gold mine for anti-black haters like Metzger who like nothing better than to make it appear that the majority of blacks believe they are justified in their anti-white bigotry.

Of course, Metzger’s view of blacks is as wrong as that minority (perhaps 15%) of blacks who think Wright’s views are correct and that that kind of anti-white bigotry is justified. Add to the blatant Metzgerian bigotry of Wright, his own brand of anti-Americanism and you have a terminal political condition for Obama.

Wright’s a loon who’s said that American doctors INFECTED black males with syphilis back in the 1932 Tuskegee experiments – never happened. The black males in the Tuskegee experiments all had advanced syphilis when they entered the study. Moreover, penicillin, which is today used to treat syphilis (though advanced syphilis is often beyond the reach of antibiotics) even today...and penicillin wasn’t invented until 1942. it wasn’t until March 14, 1942 the first patient was successfully treated for streptococcal septicemia with U.S.-made penicillin.

So, to be blunt, yet kind, the Reverend Wright isn’t merely an anti-American, racial bigot, he’s also either woefully misinformed as to history, or more likely a liar.

Look, there's no reason at all for ANY rational African-American to try and defend Reverend Wright.

Hell, even Barack Obama has thrown that guy under the bus!

12:29 AM  
Blogger JMK said...

"And where in that statement by jmk is opposition given to any sub-group?" (Thuyen Tran)
You're right Tran, there is none, just as there are no separate and distinct alternate cultures within America.

It's odd that PAA seems to take issue with that well-founded viewpoint of mine - that there is only ONE singular culture within America and only various sub-groups within that culture, from NASCAR Nation to Asian, Hispanic and black sub-groups...he bailed on trying to make a case for it a few months back. When he bailed, I'd thought he'd ceded that point...apparently I gave PAA too much credit there.

Bottom-line, Jerremiah Wright is a vile racial bigot.

Barack Obama spent twenty years in that guy's Church, calling him both a friend and a spiritual mentor, Rev. Wright actually Married the Obama's and Baptized their kids....and that's more than a little troubling.

Now, Barack Obama is trying to jettison Jerremiah Wright and his baggage and it looks like he's doing that only for political purposes....some "friend."

Some blacks (like PAA) have taken to defending Jerry Wright and that seems to imply their HOPING that Barack Obama really still adheres to those malignant views, but merely wants to downplay them for the 2008 Presidential race, and that's disgusting on their parts.

Of course it's sort of par for the course for a guy who'd revile Jared Taylor as a "racist," while defending a real racist like Jerry Wright.

In fact, Jared Taylor is more aptly compared to a fellow controversial scholar, Claude Steele, while Reverend Wright is more aptly compared to Tom Metzger (of the Aryan Nation).

Barack Obama's closeness to Jerremiah Wright is exactly the same thing as a Republican having a close, twenty plus year relationship with say David Dukes, calling him a "very good friend," and saying, "While I disagree with some of Dukes' views, I'm not going to disavow the man over a few quotes." In fact, David Dukes is more polished, more nuanced and less revoltingly upfront about his racial views, claiming he doesn't really hate other races, he just advocates separation for "their own good."

It's NOT so much the relationship itself, it's that apparent comfortable closeness to unacceptable views that's bothersome in both cases.

For instance, IF a Conservative, like Sam Brownback did have such a relationship with David Dukes, I would not believe that he automatically supported everything that Dukes has said, just as I don't necessarily believe Barack Obama supports everything Wright says (Michelle Obama seems like a different story on that score)...but the relationships are troubling in exactly the same way...and at least in my view, to the exact same degree, or extent.

In the Wright controversy, I see folks like PAA (who I'll call "well meaning racial bigots" - that is folks who don't even seem aware of their own racial bigotry) desperately trying to validate the malignant views of a toxic bigot like Wright, because they don't see those views as malignant, which in sum, is why they are "well-meaning racial bigots."

Since I've never heard PAA make an argument that rationalizes some degree of black bigotry toward whites, while characterizing all white bigotry as dangerously vile, otherwise, I'd have to remove the "well-meaning" tag from that description, as anyone who'd make that argument would be a deliberate, obvious and malignant racial bigot, which I really don't think PAA is.

1:34 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

I would be interested in PAA's opinion on the Hannity's America interview with Rev. Eugene Rivers found here...


PAA, who do you find to be more credible, Rev. Rivers or Jeremiah "g** d*** America" Wright?

5:58 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Tran says;"If "black values" mean being real men, following Christ, honoring family, not making excuses for one's mistakes by blaming society and others, loving others regardless of color, honoring our governments, then I have no problem with that."

Who said "Black Values" are not none of those things?? Black values can easily be defined, it's just that "some" wish to define them as separatist and racist.

JMK misleads his followers and says;"Wright’s a loon who’s said that American doctors INFECTED black males with syphilis back in the 1932 Tuskegee experiments – never happened."

JMK, Reverend Wright quote's, video's, sermons, writings, ect... are all over the internet. Post where Wright said "American doctors INFECTED black males with syphilis"... Do that first, before you answer any other accusation or question!

You stated "back in 1932". The experiment ended in "1972"!!! Not important as far as you're concerned, right?

A 40 year experiment on the effects of syphilis, ON BLACK FOLKS...? JMK says it didn't happen!! JMK says the government nor any doctor were ever involved with such an act! (It's okay to mis-quote people who mis-quote others..)

Please remind us that the "victims" of the experiment were "already" infected persons. Hey, there was no need to inject them, those negroes hump like rabbits any way....

There are reasons for JMK's "misleading" statements... I'll let you guys figure it out.

JMK;"Some blacks (like PAA) have taken to defending Jerry Wright and that seems to imply their HOPING that Barack Obama really still adheres to those malignant views, but merely wants to downplay them for the 2008 Presidential race, and that's disgusting on their parts."

Where do I defend Rev. Wright? I never defend preachers... black, white, yellow, or red. I'll always defend a "Black Value" system....ALWAYS!!

There's a saying in the "hood" that goes; "Don't hate the playa', hate the game". Rev. Wright comes from a long line of "playa's" when it comes to religion.

The same applies to Obama. He's resorted to playing the game of politics just like those before him, and those who come after. All politicians are disgusting

JMK Misleading you with...;"the same thing as a Republican having a close, twenty plus year relationship with say David Dukes, calling him a "very good friend,"

David Duke was (and some believe still is) a "Grand Dragon of The KKK". The KKK has a history of harrasing, terrorizing, looting, discriminating, hanging, shooting, burning, drowning... and every other horrible thing that can be done to a human being. (BTW, ahhh, they did it to Blacks)

Rev. Wright and his Trinity United are not reponsible for "one" harrasing, terrorizing, looting, discriminating, hanging, shooting, burning, drowning or murder!

Here's something that really does'nt make sense:

Rev. Wright describes U.S. foriegn policies as "militaristic" and "damning/damned" because the U.S. invaded another country. Polititians and media pundits describe Wright as "militant", "racist", "divisive", "bigot", ect..., when right "SPOKE" what he believes???? When Rev. Wright has someone killed, maimed, beat-up, pinched, or stung by a mosquito...please call me!

1:31 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

JMK proffers;"In the Wright controversy, I see folks like PAA (who I'll call "well meaning racial bigots" - that is folks who don't even seem aware of their own racial bigotry)"


So now I'm Archie Bunker???

Black Americans, being approx. 12 percent of the total American population, have not, and will never be able to make any other group or race suffer the force of racial bigotry.

Rev. Wright "scares" you...nothing more, nothing less. You fear that his rhetoric will be accepted by Blacks that you refer to as "well meaning racial bigots."

BTW, who are the "well meaning WHITE bigots" ??(outside the fictional characters)Rush Limbaugh? Sean Hannity? Bill O'rielly? George Bush? Dick Cheney? JMK...perhaps? I would think that all of those mentioned should qualify....

JMK says;"Since I've never heard PAA make an argument that rationalizes some degree of black bigotry toward whites, while characterizing all white bigotry as dangerously vile,"

I never would rationalize "any" sort of bigotry. You mistake my rationalization of how some Blacks (notice that I said some)"react" to "White" racism, being that racism having been in the past or the present.

7:32 PM  
Blogger JMK said...

"JMK, Reverend Wright quote's, video's, sermons, writings, ect... are all over the internet. Post where Wright said "American doctors INFECTED black males with syphilis"... Do that first, before you answer any other accusation or question!" (PAA)
Uhhhh....OK, how's this; "The government lied about the Tuskegee experiment. They purposely infected African American men with syphilis. Governments lie. ...The government lied about inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color. Governments lie."
--Jeremiah Wright sermon, April 13, 2003.

Does that work for you?

The ONLY thing at issue is Wright's spurious and deliberately (bigotedly) false twisting of historical fact, not the efficacy or lack thereof of the Tuskeegee Experiments, that were run under the uaspices of an African-American physician - "Dr. Eugene Dibble, an African American doctor, was head of the Hospital at the Tuskegee Institute, during the Tuskeegee Experiments."

As it turns out, I don't believe that David Duke was ever charged, let alone convicted of violence against others. In fact, like most racial bigots, black & white, he claims he's "NOT a racist," claiming instead, that "he is a racial realist and, "all people have a basic human right to preserve their own heritage."

So, is black bigotry as vile as any white, Hispanic or Asian bigotry?

You bet it is.

The fact that you keep defending black bigotry ("X has not been as bad as the KKK") indicates a very troubling blind spot on your part.
"Black Americans, being approx. 12 percent of the total American population, have not, and will never be able to make any other group or race suffer the force of racial bigotry." (PAA)
Again, more defense of racial bigotry, specifically black bigotry, as, in effect claiming, "it's not all that bad."

Actually ALL bigotry is individual, so each individual act of bigotry is as bad as any other.

Why do you seem to find that difficult to understand?

Disparate impact is NOT "bigotry," or "racism," deliberate individual cases of race-based discrimination are.

11:50 PM  
Blogger Thuyen Tran said...

"Who said "Black Values" are not none of those things?? Black values can easily be defined, it's just that "some" wish to define them as separatist and racist."

Cone (who Wright looks up to and follows on "black values") already did just that.

"A 40 year experiment on the effects of syphilis, ON BLACK FOLKS...? JMK says it didn't happen!! JMK says the government nor any doctor were ever involved with such an act! (It's okay to mis-quote people who mis-quote others..)"

Actually you are doing the misquote when you say he said it didn't happen. He said blacks were not injected with syphilis. The deplorable experiment did happened but not in way Wright said it (it happened where blacks were promised "cure" that never came). He misrepresented what happened in order to justify his bogus claim the US government invented AIDs to kill blacks.

"I never would rationalize "any" sort of bigotry. You mistake my rationalization of how some Blacks (notice that I said some)"react" to "White" racism, being that racism having been in the past or the present."

Exactly what you are doing here. Hiding behind the words "black values" and accusing others of racism against blacks, you are precisely rationalizing the behaviour and words of Wright.

How does attacks on Jews and Italians have anything to do with reacting to white racism of the past?

And you consider making false claims like AIDs were invented by whites and drugs were passed out by whites to blacks to be legit reactions?

And before you try to say he believed it based on how blacks were treated in this country, he also preached Bible as struggle between "rich white men" and "poor black men."

Racism is racism.

It is one thing to preach against sins of this country. Wright went far beyond that to accuse and castigate other races either over things that did not happen, to slur, and to support terrorists against them, in the case of Jews.

Words do have meaning.

Preaching racial hatred as Wright can have long term effects on people he taught.

"Black Americans, being approx. 12 percent of the total American population, have not, and will never be able to make any other group or race suffer the force of racial bigotry."

Sure, they can. Just like Asians like Cho can, too. Need I remind you hate crimes?

Wright's words are inflammatory to level of inciting things like that.

You are simply defending bad behaviour on basis of past persecutions of blacks. It is like you believe they are entitled to be racists.

Not a good idea.

9:10 AM  

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