Monday, February 02, 2009

Nancy Pelosi thinks that contraceptives can spring to life a soft economy?

According to the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, condoms and contraceptives is just what this ailing economy needs to get back on track. It's apart of Obama's "stimulus bill". I guess it's meant to stimulate something, just not the economy. Since the porn industry is seeking five billion dollars in federal bailout money, I guess the stimulus" will help it the adult film industry "rise" again? This sham is a gigantic, humongous PORK bill period. It will not create one private sector job, and Obama knows this. I have to roll my eyes when I see Obama talk about the greed and corruption on Wall street. This guy is so fake. Why don't he defend this "stimulus" bill from the inside and not just on the outside?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same woman who appeased the backward culture of our Islamic foes that Nancy Pelosi. I hate that woman she's exactly what I imagine all Liberals to be narcissistic and self-serving. She's more interested in pushing her agenda rather than helping our economy I notice she hasn't come up with a way to encourage more industry in this country. Notice I didn't say create more jobs I said encourage more industry but I what do I expect from a green zealot.

11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The porn industry isn't seeking any money. Larry Flint is just being his usual entertaining self by asking for money. At the same time he's performing an unexpected public service by demonstrating the ludicrous nature of the application process.

7:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nancy Pelosi "Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs," the top Democrat responded."

They reduce costs by eliminating "undesirable people" from government support. How is this not called eugenics? In Germany they loved Margaret Sanger's eugenics ideas. First they came for the disabled, then they came for other undesirables.

ps. I consider it a genuine priviledge to read your blog.

3:37 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Gopchick "Nancy Pelosi "Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs," the top Democrat responded."

I believe that Pelosi didn't have any idea what she was saying. She wasn't expecting to have been asked an actual hardball question about the pork bill. It was so sweet watching her facial expressions as she was lying through her teeth. Thanks for the kind words GOPchick.

11:37 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Chilerkle "The same woman who appeased the backward culture of our Islamic foes that Nancy Pelosi. "

That is what liberals do best Chilerkle is appease. I wonder is little barry obama going to bow on a prayer rug when he goes on his Islamic "we're sorry" appeasement tour to the middle east chilerkle?

Chilerkle "I hate that woman she's exactly what I imagine all Liberals to be narcissistic and self-serving. "

I totally agree Chilerkle. She comes across as an absolute arrogant fraud.The problem is that the kooks in San Fransicko loves her, and they will never vote her out of office for anything. She does make me ill just looking at hear.

Chilerkle "She's more interested in pushing her agenda rather than helping our economy I notice she hasn't come up with a way to encourage more industry in this country. Notice I didn't say create more jobs I said encourage more industry but I what do I expect from a green zealot."

Any person that was dumb enough to actually think that Obama cared one bit about creating private sector jobs, I would have love to have suckered them into buying some carbon offsets chilerkle. Without support of little barry's pork bill dropping like a brick, I wonder will the dolts finally get it through their skulls that Obama can give a rats behind about whether they have a job or not. There is a reason why Obama isn't trying to pedal his pork bill himself. He doesn't want to risk another Joe the plumber moment in which a person or congress person will ask Obama how will his bill create or save "private" sector jobs. I believe that is the why he's trying to bring Limbaugh into all of this. He's using Rush as a way of cover to take the attention off of his bill. Obama is slick, I'll give him that, but he sure isn't smart.

God Of Bacon "The porn industry isn't seeking any money. Larry Flint is just being his usual entertaining self by asking for money. At the same time he's performing an unexpected public service by demonstrating the ludicrous nature of the application process."

It is ludicrous god of bacon, no doubt about that. Corporations are not transforming into banks just to get "free money". The day of reckoning is coming. There is no such thing as "free money", and our currency can't continue to hold its value with more and more debt accumulated under Obama.

11:54 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Part of me really wants this bill to pass just because I know what damage it will cause. My mother use to tell me that a "hard head makes a soft behind". Sometimes people have to experience the errors of their ways literally. The only reason I'm against this pork bill is because it will make it that much harder to fix the economy when the adults are back in charge.

12:44 AM  

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