Sunday, March 15, 2009

When did Meghan McCain become relevant in politics?

Last year I bit my tongue and supported a person for President that under normal circumstance I wouldn't have. I voted for John McCain, because I believed he was the lesser of two evils. The people in the know understand why McCain lost. It's not a well kept secret. McCain wasn't a conservative, and he paid the price for it in the end. I'm beyond sick and tired of listening to country club Republicans telling conservatives that the party must move to the center. Republicans like Colin Powell, John McCain, Olympia Snow, Arnold Schartznegger, Tim Pawlenty, Charlie Crist really annoy me to no end. When I came across this story written by Meghan McCain, I had to laugh. It looks like John's little princess thinks she knows why her daddy lost last year. Even Blue has more clues then Meghan McCain. Meghan wrote an article attacking Ann Coulter and the conservative movement a few days ago. Ann didn't respond to Cindy's comments. Ann isn't going to lend credibility to a nobody such as Meghan McCain. That hasn't stopped the mainstream media from picking up on this. Meghan McCain has become the new "useful idiot" of the mainstream media just like her father.

Even though Ann didn't respond to Meghan, Laura Ingraham did respond to Meghan's comments indirectly through her radio show. Laura accurately pegged the "Valley Girl" known as Meghan McCain as a ditz.

If any of you can stomach just a little bit more of Meghan, this is her appearance on the Rachael Maddow Show on MSNBC. I hope Rachael wasn't thinking Meghan was going to increase her already non existing ratings by having her on the show.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's McCain's daughter?

My God.. I'd tap that!

He should have shown her off more during the campaign and he probably would have won the young vote.

4:08 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

lol, if it was only that easy. She might have won a percentage of the young "male" vote, but that would have been it. If Meghan wants to try and become the liberal blond version of Ann Coulter, she might as well quit now.

7:44 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Fox News girls Laura Ingraham and Andrea Tantaros have come to the defense of their "goddess" of political sleaze. You can bet your boots Coulter will lash out...just give it time.

I wonder what the female conservative pundits would say if Bristol Palin decided to play politics? Multiple partner sexually active as a teenage, unwed mother, stood-up at the alter, gun tote-in', backwoods, pea brain for a mom Bristol??

Conservative and moderate Republicans vying for control over a broken and "fractured" party. I'm luvin' it!

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

McCain losing isn't too bad all it proves is that moderates are losers and having a strong stance on issues is the key to victory. I think Meghan McCain should stay out of politics because politics is a very nasty business I don't know how she'd handle the smear campaign especially the smear campaign waged against Sarah Palin. I really hated how the left attacked her and I'm very disgusted with everyone who voted for Obama that man is a low class leach and he's just Bill Clinton in Blackskin as far as I'm concerned.

Funny how everyone turned on the first black president's wife LOL(I'm referring to Clinton because several years back some moron called Bill Clinton the first black president).

11:40 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Fox News girls Laura Ingraham and Andrea Tantaros have come to the defense of their "goddess" of political sleaze. You can bet your boots Coulter will lash out...just give it time."

Ann doesn't need anyone to come to the defense of her allen. Why would Ann need to be defened against an irrelevant nobody such a Meghan McCain allen? As for the "goddess of political sleaze" comment, Ann Coulter has been called every negative name in the book by you so called tolerant left wing hypocrites. I can't help it allen that Ann Coulter has this ability to put liberalism in a negative light and make liberals look like a bunch of deranged kooks.

p allen "I wonder what the female conservative pundits would say if Bristol Palin decided to play politics?"

If that day ever happens, then stay tuned. Notice that Bristol isn't trying to be a political pundit. Meghan McCain is though. Next time try to compare apples and oranges allen.

P Allen" Multiple partner sexually active as a teenage, unwed mother, stood-up at the alter, gun tote-in', backwoods, pea brain for a mom Bristol?"

This obsession with Bristol Palin by liberals is bordering disturbing allen. Are you all going to try and make Bristol Pain the "de-facto leader of the GOP" since that tactic didn't work with Rush? I just want to know. Bristol isn't running for no political office or is trying to be a political pundit. People tell me all the time I should be a pundit or have my own radio show. If I was a pundit, I would be five times as vocal and insulting then Coulter on her best day. You libs are getting for lucky by having her to be honest allen.

6:56 PM  

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