Sunday, March 01, 2009

Liberal racism on display against Governor Bobby Jindal.

Say it isn't so Joe. No wonder Chris Mathews said "Oh Lord" when Governor Jindal came out to give the Republican response to Obama's speech. I guess the thought of a dark skinned person that wasn't a liberal nor democrat was too much for Mathews and other "champions" of "diversity" to take. Liberals really think they're fooling most Americans. They believe in diversity as much as I believe Rosie O'Donnell is attractive. The bigotry and racism by liberals toward other groups is well documented, yet many liberals are in denial in accepting that they have people that are hate filled towards other ethnic and racial groups of "opposing views". I don't know why so many left wing kooks have a problem with Indian people or people of Indian descent.

This is Joe BIden last year during the Democrat primaries saying "You can't walk into a Dunkin Doughnuts or 7-11 without having a slight Indian accent.

This is Obama's secret man crush Chris Mathews saying "The GOP "outsourced" it's response. Some may say that what Mathews said was harmless and taken out of context. Liberals believed the chimp that was shot in the comic was in reference to Obama. To them it was about the "racial stereotype" the chimp represented. When people think outsource, they think about jobs going to "India".

This is the clip of liberal radio talk show host Mike Malloy's wife Kathy Bay mocked Gov. Bobby Jindal using an East Indian accent
. I can only imagine if a conservative talk show host would have mocked Obama in an "eboinics" tone what the reaction and uproar would have been. This goes to show the absolute ignorance and sheer cluelessness of Kathy Bay. Governor Bobby Jindal "DOESN'T HAVE AN INDIAN ACCENT"! Jindal speaks perfect English. I'm glad that Mike Malloy acknowledged that his own liberal wife was indeed "acting racist"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes I can't stand how liberals claim to champion *snickers* minoritites. I don't consider myself a minority and find the term minority to be condescending at best and racist at worst.

Liberals are no less racist than the KKK. Attacking Bobby Jindal's ethnicity is low class and uncalled for. It proves that liberals are mental midgets! It proves that having a black candidate is symbolic rather than based on the merit of their non-white candidate or his capabilities.

Meaning all that talk about "diversity" is all for show! What is funny to me is that some black men on youtube were verbally trashing black women and yet these black men adore Obama LOL!

All it proves to me is when you're colorstruck character is overlooked. I believe Liberals are very obsessed with race. I've also noticed that Hollywood does typecast according to race and I've yet to see the Poverty Pimp Al Sharpton shake them down for the way the type cast black actors and actresses LOL!

1:35 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Chilerkle;"Liberals are no less racist than the KKK."

Knowing the history of the KKK and their over-all mission, you really must really believe that you're hated by liberals. Such hatred should not be tolerated in 2009 America!

For those who were subjected to the efforts of the KKK (eg., Blacks), there was one means of effectively countering their efforts. Dr. King rallied people in a collective to pass "laws" to thwart the efforts of the KKK. Thus it appears that the "government" is the answer to your

These are all silly attempts to some how "re-define" racism. Racism is not exclusively "liberal" nor is it "conservative", racism is American. Racism comes from both and all sides. To believe it's one sided is effectively in itself "race-baiting"!!!!

6:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for pointing this out! I am so frustrated with the hypocracy of the liberals and mainstream media who refuse to point it out! I stumbled upon this blog when I ran the search "racist liberal response to Jindal" I was curious to see if I could find any news outlets that actually ran the story, and guess what? I DIDN'T FIND ANY (other than your wonderful blog and other right-wing sites) scary, very scary.

2:36 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

chilerkle "Yes I can't stand how liberals claim to champion *snickers* minoritites. I don't consider myself a minority and find the term minority to be condescending at best and racist at worst.

It should be mandatory for these self righteous intolerant hyocrites to carry around a mirror. Every time they try and label the right as being racist chilerkle, they should look right into that mirror.

chilerkle "Liberals are no less racist than the KKK. Attacking Bobby Jindal's ethnicity is low class and uncalled for. It proves that liberals are mental midgets! It proves that having a black candidate is symbolic rather than based on the merit of their non-white candidate or his capabilities."

These people don't have the moral fortitude to realize how absolutely phony they are chilerkle. If a conservative would have made the exact same comment Joe Biden made about "not being able to go into a dunkin doughnuts or 711 without being able to have an indian accent", that conservatives political career would have been DESTROYED!!!! Liberals would have made sure of that chilerkle. People on the right didn't question whether Obama was "authentically black". That was the left. It wasn't a "right wing" columnist calling Obama "The magic negro". That was a left wing columnist that said that. It's seriously about time the left gets shouted down every time they remotely bring up the issue of race. They have no credibility on the topic or any validity on calling other's racists.

p allen "All it proves to me is when you're colorstruck character is overlooked. I believe Liberals are very obsessed with race. I've also noticed that Hollywood does typecast according to race and I've yet to see the Poverty Pimp Al Sharpton shake them down for the way the type cast black actors and actresses LOL!"

chilerkle "I've also noticed that Hollywood does typecast according to race and I've yet to see the Poverty Pimp Al Sharpton shake them down for the way the type cast black actors and actresses LOL!"

I've noticed that too chilerkle. Liberals overwhelming have a lock down on hollywood. The stunning LACK of diversity in television shows and movies is striking. I wonder what their excuse is chilerkle? On the major four television networks, I can't think of one show that has a non white cast or any person that is non white. As I said before, liberals need to look "in house" before they star spewing their garbage about "diversity" and "racism".

3:20 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

girlyconservative "Thank you for pointing this out! I am so frustrated with the hypocracy of the liberals and mainstream media who refuse to point it out! I stumbled upon this blog when I ran the search "racist liberal response to Jindal" I was curious to see if I could find any news outlets that actually ran the story, and guess what? I DIDN'T FIND ANY (other than your wonderful blog and other right-wing sites) scary, very scary."

Thank you girly conservative. I will always post what the "Baghdad Bob" media refuses to report. The only time the media would have reported a story about racism towards Bobby Jindal is if Jindal was a card carrying "liberal Democrat". The media in our country is absolutely useless and beyond tainted.

3:32 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Racism is not exclusively "liberal" nor is it "conservative", racism is America"

Really Allen? Please do tell. According to liberals, they are as pure as the driven snow. According to them, conservatives are the definition of "bigots", "racists" and "homophobes". Why don't you relay that earth shattering revolution to you're fellow liberals that are living in denial allen?

P Allen "To believe it's one sided is effectively in itself "race-baiting"!!!!"

Thank You for admitting that liberals are indeed race baiters allen. That is what I've been saying for the longest time. It only took you forever and a day to figure it out.

3:39 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"Why don't you relay that earth shattering revolution to you're fellow liberals that are living in denial allen?"

I have...

That's why I like posting here. For the most part, when I tell a "liberal" that racism exists on both sides they tend to agree! Yet, they tend to believe that there is much more coming from "conservative" and/or Republican circles.

Most Blacks and other minorities tend to gravitate towards "liberal" and/or Democratic party policies, which makes the Liberal political constituency appear more diverse. This make's it easier for Democratic politicians and pundits to claim racial tolerance based on that diversity.

By contrast, fewer minorities are drawn into the Republican party, and particularly the conservative wing of the party. This lack of diversity has caused many Republicans and conservatives to cry foul. Subsequently, many of those in the Republican party place the blame and the cause of racist attitudes on Liberals and Democrats.

What both sides neglect to realize is that people (the voting public in particular) indeed do make up their own minds. You might not agree with what, or how they came up with their views, yet, this country allows you and everyone else to think, believe and vote as you please.

Just as people on the Left attacked Bush and his policies for 8 years, those on the Right are expected to be no less relentless on Obama for the next eight. But in the end we should all be thankful that we are allowed to think, live and vote for whatever political ideology we feel suits our needs.

1:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Calling Jindal "Slumdog Governor" was timely. And it was in extremely poor taste.

However, on this blog, whenever the race-baiting is coming from the GOP's direction, the Limbaugh-esque technique is employed, and the shouting begins: WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. YOU'RE THE RACISTS. YOU DID IT FIRST. WRONG WRONG WRONG.

This blog NEVER admits that racial stereotyping supercedes BOTH parties. And that it's a human frailty.

If it is acknowledged here, it's with a shrug and a "wasn't me" response.

CB, you yourself a number of times on this blog have poo-poo'd the notion of a national dialogue on race.

That's because you are a supporter of a conservative faction of the political party that depends on race-baiting as a unifying tool.

Does race-baiting exist on both sides of the aisle? Of course. And in politics, its used for the purpose of exploiting weaknesses in persons who can be identified as members of certain groups, or to reinforce a group's perceived victimhood. But sadly, that's the GOP's bread and butter. And you'll counter that, no, that's the Dems' bread and butter. And this is exactly my point.

The GOP tried to paint Obama as a foreign outsider. This was after using the code-word "elite" to mean "uppity n****r" didn't work. ... The Dems snickered at and promoted Palin's image as an unsophisticated hick. Only after the GOP targeted unsophisticated white women as a viable demographic. ... Then the RNC elects an African-American chairman so they can say, "Hey, we have a black guy, too!" And then HE thinks it's a bright idea to use the stereotypical black/urban phrases "bling bling" and "off the hook" etc. to appeal to potential voters. ... Meanwhile, the defacto RNC chairman, a right-wing Morning Zoo disc jockey with 13 million angry wild-eyed listeners, insists upon calling Obama the "affirmative action" president, insinuating that he only got elected because he is black. This was after he called Obama a "Halfrican American" throughout the campaign. ... And our country's first African-American attorney general calls it like it is, and says we as a country don't have the balls to tackle race relations head-on. ... Meanwhile, the black RNC Chair calls it like it is about the white RNC Chair, and the white RNC Chair all but says, "Watch your step, boy." ... And our first black president keeps his distance from Holder's remarks and acts as if addressing race head-on will only create class-based flair-ups. ... And the New York Post publishes a dumb cartoon that should have NEVER made it though the editing process, and the men who make it a living to flop on the floor and scream "FOUL FOUL RACIAL FOUL" do their thing.

Nahhhhhhhhhh. We don't need a soul-searching national dialogue on race. Everything's fine!

It's going to happen, probably through the public schools, and probably not in our lifetimes, and our great-grandchildren are going to shake their heads at people like you and call you ignorant and shameful. And they're going to be glad your kind of thinking is gone.

6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bobby Jindal is a nice man I don't want to say white on the inside that term itself is offensive. Remember the same that was said about Jindal has been said about Obama. If Jindal spoke with a stereotypical Indian accent you wouldn't call him white on the inside.

8:48 AM  

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