Thursday, July 30, 2009

The influence of Malcom X on Henry Gate's mother and Barack Obama

Back in 1994, Professor Gates was a guest on CSPAN. He openly discussed how his mother hated white people. He also admitted to his mother being a fan of Malcom X's racism against whites. I created a video well over a year ago about "black racism". Racism is universal, no one race holds the trademark to it. Liberals will try to fool you into believing other wise.

Do these "racially unifying words" sound familiar? It all comes from one incestuous pot of hate.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, who wrote the book? Sounds like Rev. Jeremiah Wright words. Unless Obama is consistent with Wright.

Oh, yes. I forgot. It was Wright who came up with the title of Obama's next book, "Audacity of Hope".

Funny how Wright is bashing white people. He looks more white than those in his flock. According to his background, he was born and raised in a diverse, racially-mixed area called Germantown outside of Philadelphia, PA.

He mentioned that his mother was black and makes no mention of what race his father was; I suspect that his father was white.

Is Wright ashamed of his white heritage?

8:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gates action: he probably learned it by watching Malcolm X and his mother.

However, Malcolm X began to change his tune toward white people after his pilgrimage to Mecca. When he considered the possibilities of blacks and whites co-existing, he gets blown away by the people who once followed him.

Well Mr. Gates, did Malcolm X deserved to be shot?

8:27 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

The following is the type of response that video is meant to incite..

Oh my god! I really didn't know that Gates was that radical. This video has convinced me beyond all doubt that Henry Louis Gates is a Black radical and a racist! Did you hear him say his mother said those awful things and he thought it was great?

His shameful mother taught him not to like, nor trust white people is simply horrible. What a horrible person she must have been...

All Blacks should watch this video...uh uh, no... better still every white person should watch this just to see how so many Blacks really think....

9:49 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Now, let's do what Tyrone should have done before he posted that "snip, cut, hack and sound bite paint the Black man racist" job...

The entire transcript of that interview is HERE.

The entire interview transcript is about a 2 1/2, to 3 page relatively short read.

When Gates tells the interviewer that his mother hated white people, he adds context to the statement by telling him WHY!! Gate's mother was born in the south 90 years before her death. Gate's lays out why his mother felt the way she did.

At no time does Gates say nor imply that he shared in his mothers sentiments. Something else I think you might want to take under consideration, that is, at the time of the 1994 interview, Gates was married to a WHITE WOMAN.... READ THE TRANSCRIPT!!!

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Chilerkle said...

I notice that the so called black value system values black men over black women. I notice that these same black nationalist men wouldn't hesitate to lust after white women the women who belong to the same racial group they demonize.

Not only are they racist against whites they are extremely sexist towards black women. Obama himself may not be a hater of black women but he is no less a racist than Jeremiah Wright!

I find the idea of a black or white value system to be racist. I've noticed that a lot of these black nationalists sound just like white nationalists.

Black nationalism is just an incestuous copy of White nationalism.

I think a lot of white people who voted for Obama are no less ignorant and racist than the black people who voted for Obama!

10:45 AM  
Anonymous Chilerkle said...

Watching this video reminded me why I never voted for Barrack Hussein Obama in the first place. Not only is he a liar but he is also a racist bigot and a hypocrite to boot! He sees unborn babies as punishment. He is no Christian and neither is Jeremiah Wright.

All the white people who voted for him thinking this is the beginning of a post-racial America have been lied to or they were too afraid to confront the truth about the snake oil salesman Obama!

Obama has a lot of contempt for white people as this video demonstrates. Obama has shown contempt for Christianity from day one as president. Obama hates this nation as the video has made plain.

I'm disgusted with everybody who voted for this man both blacks and whites alike and everyone else who drank the kool-aid.

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Muhammad sexed black women slaves but refused them freedom or the privelege of being his wife. Today Arabs cannot wed a black woman and black men are not allowed to wed Arab muslims. This is what was sent along with African slaves when Muslims sold them to europeans.

11:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazingly his mother and grands were white and on his father's side Arabs(white) did it, yet he sides with those white people the Arab ones.

11:56 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "So, who wrote the book? Sounds like Rev. Jeremiah Wright words. Unless Obama is consistent with Wright."

It's hard to tell. It could have been a collaboration between Gates and Wright for all we know. It wouldn't surprise me none the least if Gates was involved.

anon "Oh, yes. I forgot. It was Wright who came up with the title of Obama's next book, "Audacity of Hope".

The media never brought any of this to the attention of the American people surprise surprise. They were too busy trying to figure out was Sarah Palin's baby really hers. It makes perfect sense that Wright would come up with that title. He doesn't like America anyways, and he is a hypocrite for not leaving.

anon "Funny how Wright is bashing white people. He looks more white than those in his flock. According to his background, he was born and raised in a diverse, racially-mixed area called Germantown outside of Philadelphia, PA"

Wright will always be a 14k hypocritical fraud in my book. His cult of a church told people to turn their backs on middle classism will he has become a millionaire and so have Michelle and Barack. He bases Whites yet he leaves in a gated white community. I can't figure it out. He lives around the people he professes are racist "RICH WHITE PEOPLE"!!The guy is either crazy or he pulled a con job on himself. This is typical of many black churches in the hood. The churches and the congregations are located in the most impoverished sections of the cities,while the pastors have the best houses in the suburbs.

anon "He mentioned that his mother was black and makes no mention of what race his father was; I suspect that his father was white. "

That would be so hilarious if it turned out to be true. lol

anon "Is Wright ashamed of his white heritage?"

Wright is too morally repugnant to know what shame is.

8:31 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "Gates action: he probably learned it by watching Malcolm X and his mother."

Children do learn certain traits by emulating their parents. So it wouldn't be a shocker if that was the case.

anon "However, Malcolm X began to change his tune toward white people after his pilgrimage to Mecca. When he considered the possibilities of blacks and whites co-existing, he gets blown away by the people who once followed him."

I don't know whether to call it "poetic justice" or a "striking irony". The following of hate he helped to create was ultimately responsible for his death. That is a "life's lesson"!

anon "Well Mr. Gates, did Malcolm X deserved to be shot?"

Gates is a victim of his own bitterness. People like him should just be ignored by mainstream America and left to stew in their own shallow lives.

8:35 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Oh my god! I really didn't know that Gates was that radical. This video has convinced me beyond all doubt that Henry Louis Gates is a Black radical and a racist! Did you hear him say his mother said those awful things and he thought it was great?"

Did you hear him denounce what his mother said allen? Say no and we can move on to your next question.:-)

p allen "His shameful mother taught him not to like, nor trust white people is simply horrible. What a horrible person she must have been..."

I agree if your being truthful allen. I've seen this teenage white rock group that has a symbol of hitler as their logo. Their parents are Aryans. Those kids have been mentally screwed up thanks to their parents being mentally screwed up. Teaching hate or embracing it should never be accepted in our society regardless.

p allen "All Blacks should watch this video...uh uh, no... better still every white person should watch this just to see how so many Blacks really think"

I have one better. People of all races shoudl watch this video.

8:41 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "Now, let's do what Tyrone should have done before he posted that "snip, cut, hack and sound bite paint the Black man racist" job..."

You just can't admit when a spade is a spade allen. I don't have to go out of my way to snip, cut, hack in order to paint a person as being one way or the other. Of course you'll never see that. I call it like I see it. You simply refuse to see it.

The entire transcript of that interview is HERE.

p allen "When Gates tells the interviewer that his mother hated white people, he adds context to the statement by telling him WHY!! Gate's mother was born in the south 90 years before her death. Gate's lays out why his mother felt the way she did.
At no time does Gates say nor imply that he shared in his mothers sentiments."

Did he denounce his mother's views yes or no? Please respond with either one in your response allen. You are simply "implying" that he didn't share his mother views. You have no proof.

p allen "Something else I think you might want to take under consideration, that is, at the time of the 1994 interview, Gates was married to a WHITE WOMAN.... READ THE TRANSCRIPT!!!"

And that proves what? So because he was married to a white woman, that meant he still couldn't' have been oversensitive about whites. News flash allen, they're are people in interracial relationships and marriages that are still uncomfortable in dealing with other races outside of their personal relationship. I hope that wasn't your ace in the hole allen.

8:50 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

chilerkle "I notice that the so called black value system values black men over black women. I notice that these same black nationalist men wouldn't hesitate to lust after white women the women who belong to the same racial group they demonize."

They've all graduated from "Hypocrisy University" with their Master Degrees in double talking, two faced, BS. lol
They claim to hate whites so much, and they are the scum of the earth, yet as soon as they get dollars in their wallets, where do they move too?lol They are so phony!!!! Obama's house in Chicago isn't in the rough part of town inhabited by most blacks. His home is in an exclusive part of Chicago inhabited by mostly whites.

Chilerkle "Not only are they racist against whites they are extremely sexist towards black women. Obama himself may not be a hater of black women but he is no less a racist than Jeremiah Wright!"

In the case of Obama Chilerkle, I have to be fair to him. He did marry Michelle. Barack definitely likes his woman like he likes his coffee. BLACK AND BITTER!!!!lol

chilerkle "
chilerkle "I find the idea of a black or white value system to be racist. I've noticed that a lot of these black nationalists sound just like white nationalists"

I don't have a racial value system. I have just a Tyrone system. Race is a mechanism to control people to think as a collective. In Canada, they don't have "African Canadian".Blacks up there just call themselves Canadians. The Canadian culture doesn't suffer from they hyphenated syndrome that plagues or country. When I get called liberal racial names like "uncle tom" and "house nigger or nigga", they do this as an atempt to make me feel like I have somehow "betrayed the "black collective mindset". It will never work, because I am a black man that thinks as an "individual" first and foremost. Getting back to the white and black value system, When people see everything through racial lenses, it is impossible for them to see clearly.

Chilerkle "Black nationalism is just an incestuous copy of White nationalism".

Both tend to steal from each other Chilerkle. The term "White Power" was copied from the original black panther's use of "Black Power". They both sound stupid, when they use it.

Chilerkle "I think a lot of white people who voted for Obama are no less ignorant and racist than the black people who voted for Obama!"

Chilerkle, do you remember the video I posted a week after Obama was elected? It was John Ziegler interviewing people who voted for Obama after they voted. They knew nothing about Obama's past or anything important about him. It was dopey college aged whites that made it possible for Obama to have won. I have to remember to post the video of when Ann Coulter spoke at John Hopkins. Once you watch that video, you'll know what I mean

9:13 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Chilerkle "Obama has a lot of contempt for white people as this video demonstrates. Obama has shown contempt for Christianity from day one as president. Obama hates this nation as the video has made plain."

This is why the media is such a freaking joke in our country Chilerkle. This video was out there way before the election took place. The media could have played it just as I've done. I got several emails from people thanking me for displaying videos about Obama that the media never did. They are learning more from my blog then they are from the NIGHTLY NEWS Chilerkle!! This is why the media is declining in viewers. No other media outlet showed the video of Chris Mathews saying in his own words "IT IS MY JOB TO MAKE SURE THIS PRESIDENT SUCCEEDS". Limbaugh calls it the "STATE RUN MEDIA". He's absolutely right. I call it the "BAGHDAD BOB MEDIA". The University of South Carolina video of Michelle Obama calling Americans ignorant was available to the media. They chose to ignore it. They rather have focused on interviewing the father of Bristol Palin in order to get dirt on Sarah Palin. Americans got hoodwinked by the media Chilerkle. If Americans truly understood the true Obama in regards to his racist ties, he wouldn't have made it pass New Hampshire!!

9:20 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"I don't have to go out of my way to snip, cut, hack in order to paint a person as being one way or the other. Of course you'll never see that".

Did you put that video together? Was that you editing work? If it was, the you had to have seen the entire interview. If you did, why? What was your purpose for creating negative context of Gate's responses??

CB;"Did he denounce his mother's views yes or no?".

No...but he didn't say he agreed with her either...

Would you denounce you mother if she said; "I hate those Muslims! Muslims are evil low life scum"!
Would you say, "I denounce my mother for those words"????

CB;"And that proves what?".

The transcript shows "in context" what Gates said! What came from his own mind and mouth! Not bits and pieces of sounds bites put together to express someone else's point of view. I guess you didn't read it because you "simply refuse to believe it"...

9:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allen if my mother said Muslims are what you said, I would agree. Muslims call for the death of all non-Muslims. Muslims called christians and Jews apes and pigs. call black women stupid and black men less than a donkey's penis. Muslims say blacks are created black to be easily seen and for slavery and hellfire. I would agree with mom.

3:17 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Anon;"Allen if my mother said Muslims are what you said, I would agree".

It goes with saying...of course "YOU" would...

Anon, there are 50 to 100 times as many Blacks selling and using illegal drugs in America today, than those who convert to Islam!

Which looms larger as a GREATER THREAT to Blacks.... illegal drugs, crime, high school drop out rates, unwed pregnancy, incarceration and poverty... or, your contrived threat of Islam??

Which would be the "GREATER THREAT" to your neighborhood... a group of 5 or 10 young Black drug dealers, or a group of 5 or 10 young Black Muslims??

12:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allen the result will be the same --- dead.

2:48 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Anon;"Allen the result will be the same --- dead".

Guess what Anon?? Death is EVERYONE'S eventual fate! Lord forbid, you could die from anything at anytime....

And guess what else? A Muslim could have absolutely nothing to do with your death! As I stated before, your chances are 100 times greater that you could be harmed by another Black person, than being harmed by a Muslim.

So you can't answer a simple question? A simple question that questions your mind-set on the importance that you "claim" to place on Black men! Yeah, right..

3:15 AM  

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