Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Baltimore Police Commissioner Frederick Bealefeld claims "drunken opportunistic criminality" is what contributed to a white 20 year old tourist getting beat down by black teens.

Baltimore City Police Commissioner Frederick H. Bealefeld yesterday claimed that the gang attack by several black teens on a white tourist that went viral on the internet wasn't racially motivated. Bealefeld has always been a tough talker in front of a television camera, but he has always been in reality a spineless, politically correct pandering empty suit. It's no wonder he was retained as Commissioner of the Baltimore City Police Department, when Stephanie Rawling Blake was elected Mayor last year. Commissioner Bealefeld said that the attack was just nothing more then "drunken opportunistic criminality".  That's a nice catch phrase in an attempt for him to sanitize what actually happened, but I seriously doubt that was the case.. Frederick Bealefeld is a white Police Commissioners in a city that is sixty five percent black with a black mayor and a city council which is mostly black. Bealefeld knows full well that black activists in Baltimore would be calling for his head if he called this attack a black on white hate crime. There are other factors at work here as well. The Mayor and the city government does not want the attack to be seen as a hate crime against whites, because the attack happened near the business district of downtown Baltimore, also roughly forty thousand whites lives in downtown Baltimore. Futhermore, Baltimore City officials do not want tourists who are mostly white not fearing coming to Baltimore. As long as I can remember, most of the criminal attacks against whites at the inner harbor have been at the hands of young black teens. I don't believe it has nothing really to do with the black criminals hating whites as more as it has to do as them seeing white tourists as being easier targets to rob and assault. I wish WBAL radio could set up a ten minute segment between myself and Commissioner Bealefeld, on this issue, because I know without a shadow of a doubt, I would rip through his PC stance in less then three minutes tops. I've been around the block many times in my life, and I know bullshit when I see it, and when I smell it. Bealefeld said that the attack against the 20 year old white guy was "drunken opportunistic criminality". These are the questions I wish I could ask him. How would he have known it was "drunken opportunistic criminality", when none of the attackers have yet to have been caught. So how does Bealefeld know the attackers were drunk and that alcohol is what fueled the attacks? Politically Correct BS never holds up well when used against people who use common sense. I'm just wondering whether Commissioner Bealefeld is implying that the victim actually played a role in his beat down, because he was intoxicated. Knowing how loopy and backwards the Baltimore City Judaical system is, it wouldn't come as a surprise to me if I heard that the victim was actually arrested instead for being intoxicated.


Anonymous JR said...

Tyrone- Wow, nice blog. I just read this article today linked from another blog that I read everyday. It is so refreshing to see a black conservative with views such as yours. I know that might sound racist but I think it is the truth for me and alot of people. I have added your blog to my favorites and will be checking back regularly. I also live in Baltimore and was horrified by this vicious attack. I don't know if this crime was purely motivated by race, but I do feel like it was a factor. You are spot on with your analysis of our police chief here. He is a coward. If you have any kinid of organization or conservative group here in Baltimore I would be interested in Knowing about it. I live in Hampden. Hope your blog does very well. Maybe, I will see you around. I will say hello! Thanks for such an interesting blog. Have a good day! - Ray

12:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard Bealefeld's comments on my car radio this morning and almost spit my coffee out.

You and I know if he did tell the truth, he would be in the unemployment line in a second. "Her highness" Mayor Dixon has this man under her thumb

Anyone who denies that there was a strong racial element to this incident is clearly blind.


1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here's a direct reference to what happens when you leave God out. Immoral, unacceptable, not excuseable behavior. Not being a father to your children, seems to me there's a high probability they were raised in the street and not in the home?! "Vengeance is mine" sayeth the Lord.!! They'll all answer soon enough, and I'll pray for them...but in the end, they'll answer for what they've done.

2:00 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Shameful Tyrone, just plain shameful! That same group of thugs would have attacked a five legged purple spotted three headed martian if they it appeared drunk and vulnerable.

CB;"I don't believe it has nothing really to do with the black criminals hating whites as more as it has to do as them seeing white tourists as being easier targets to rob and assault".

BULLS#!T!!!! Do really think that group would have attacked These White Guys if they were just walking along the avenue? They're just as white, yet I don't think the teenage thugs would think about bothering them. Had that been you Tyrone under the same circumstances, drunk and disoriented, you would have gotten the same treatment.

You're barking up the wrong tree Tyrone. You're race baiting again...

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care what color, or race the criminal is whether that person is a serial killer, rapist (pedophiles included), drug dealer, or any violent criminal, I want them off the streets before he/she hurts another person!

What really irks me is, when it comes to black on white crimes, is how and why some black civil leaders would take the side and make excuses for these criminals and demonize the victims.

I recently posted in the blog that's relevant to this case, during the L.A. Riots Rep. Maxine Waters defended the person who crashed a cinder block on the head of Reginald Denny and called it "righteous anger". Yet, it was not considered a hate crime?

The case of the Central Park Jogger, a white woman, Trisha Meili, who was attacked, beaten and raped by five black juveniles and left for dead. The black media newspapers and radio station defended these thugs and called Meili a bunch of vile names. Four out of the five were convictions were overturned because their DNA was not found on the victim; only one was doing the raping. So, why was their conviction overturned for aggravated assault? What happened to this woman was not a hate crime?

I would love to see if these people who defended these thugs if their opinions would change if they became a victim themselves by someone of their own peers. Would they demand they be prosecuted by the full extent of the law, or would they forgive and make excuses?

10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ JR-
I'm a fan of Tyrone's blog and I too bookmark his page.

I would love to see Tyrone, a conservative black, write a book, host a show, or go into politics.

10:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my city of Seattle, the SPD has been under a lot criticism since the WTO (World Trade Organization) riot.

When it comes down to any case of a white police officer involved shooting, Seattle's black Church leaders and the NAACP would call the cop a racist, and would march out onto the streets of Seattle. Once they marched out and blocked traffic on Interstate 5.

I remember one case when a black man shot and killed a King County sheriff's deputy with the deputy's own gun, the media asked if the shooting was racially motivated and I liked his response. He told them that race is irrelevant at this moment and wants to apprehend the suspect before he hurts himself and someone else. The Seattle NAACP defended the suspect and said race wasn't the factor. But when roles are reversed they call it racism?

In one recent case, Seattle's chief of police John Diaz who is Hispanic, came under fire when one of his subordinates, a white cop who stomped on a Mexican national and uttered racial slurs. What the cop did was wrong, and he ended up getting fired from his job and loss of pension.

Diaz got got a lot of flack from members from the Hispanic community and was called a "sellout" and demanded that his subordinate be in jail for his action. They demanded that Diaz resigned.

11:01 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen " Shameful Tyrone, just plain shameful! That same group of thugs would have attacked a five legged purple spotted three headed martian if they it appeared drunk and vulnerable. "

Really allen? If the white guy would have taken out a gun and used it on the black teens in the name of self defense, you wouldn't have called it a hate crime then? What is shameful allen is you and people like the Baltimore City Police Commissioner trying to look the other way in pretending that that blacks do attack whites because of racist motives. What I am saying is shameful to you allen, because I am not ignoring reality as it is like you constantly do.

p allen "You're barking up the wrong tree Tyrone. You're race baiting again"

If I'm race baiting, then you must be "race ignoring" the facts. I know the area where the white guy was beaten up. About a half block down Lexington Street drunks tend to hang out in a certain area on the weekends. I have never heard of nor read in the Baltimore Sun about any of those drunks ever being beaten up. My personal office used to be in that area, and I've never had a problem with the people there, and I never once had the impulse to beat the hell out of them. I tried to look up the definition of the term "Drunken Opportunistic Criminality", and I couldn't find a definition of it allen, what am I overlooking?

1:38 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

Gil "I heard Bealefeld's comments on my car radio this morning and almost spit my coffee out."

I couldn't stop laughing, when I heard Bealefelds lame PC explanation of the crime. Political Correctness is absurd by nature, but Bealefeld managed to break knew ground with that term "Drunken Opportunistic Criminality".

Gil "You and I know if he did tell the truth, he would be in the unemployment line in a second. "Her highness" Mayor Dixon has this man under her thumb
Anyone who denies that there was a strong racial element to this incident is clearly blind".

Bealefeld was Sheila Dixon's most loyal pet. I guess when Dixon wason the way out, she told Blake to keep him on as Commissioner, because he was already house broken and didn't have a set of testicles in order to stand up for what is right. People can say what they want about former Commissioner Norris and Clark, I rather have those two as Commissioner any day over this clown.

JR "
I'm a fan of Tyrone's blog and I too bookmark his page.
I would love to see Tyrone, a conservative black, write a book, host a show, or go into politics"

I would love to be a political contributor on Fox News. Maybe someday that will happen. lol They need a conservative who has some bite on there.

Ray "If you have any kinid of organization or conservative group here in Baltimore I would be interested in Knowing about it. I live in Hampden. Hope your blog does very well. Maybe, I will see you around. I will say hello! Thanks for such an interesting blog. Have a good day! - Ray"

Thanks Ray, maybe we'll grab some coffee sometime and can talk about our gutless leader Martin O Rotten and his merry band of thieves robbing us blind in the name of helping us. You live in Hampden, so you know about the MTA attack on Sarah Kreager and heR boyfriend back in December of 2007 that was also not called a hate crime even though it was.
They called it "racist bias".

2:03 AM  
Blogger Silverfiddle said...

Get drunk, get stupid, get your ass kicked. Hopefully that young man learned a lesson.

Who knows if this was motivated by race? Who cares?

It is stupid to careen around drunk in a strange place, regardless of race.

10:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CB-"They called it "racist bias". "

I often wonder why when it's black on white, or any minority on white crime, it is known as "racist bias"? Why not call it a hate crime? Is it because some PC liberal a**holes had this notions throughout history, whites were the oppressors?

We don't hear much on minority on minority crime, but even the authorities don't label them hate crimes.

4:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tyrone, please don't take this the wrong way but I would like your point of view. I don't know about you other than you being a conservative black man who speaks out against blacks acting irresponsibly and condemn the politically correct.

I've seen the arguments you've had with progressive, liberal blacks; you always put their words in their mouths.

The fact of white on black crime is almost rare today, and I hope it doesn't happen to you, but the question would be, how would you react if you were the victim by a white person or a band of whites?

I would assume that you would want your attacker(s) be punished and prosecute by the full extent of the law. I would presume that you would not, and refuse to have the likes of Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson get involve in your personal situation.

I am not black, but I would like to see how would someone of your political thinking would handle it.

4:33 PM  
Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

I was mugged last year by 2 Black kids in hoodies. Before that, I never profiled. In fact, the kids followed me from the bus stop til they had me isolated, knocked me down from behind and stole my purse and my groceries. They didn 't get much but they had my address so they swung by the next day and stole my, and my neighbors, mail ( netflix). I believe that criminals have contempt for easy prey. They will laugh later about what an unsuspecting easy mark you were. They also abuse you, while they are robbing you, calling you a bitch and assaulting you physically. I was talking to a very old lady at my bus stop the other day and she had been mugged by probably the same teens and she said they kicked her in the head really hard after they knocked her down. We can no longer afford to give Black teens the benefit of doubt we used to and have to keep our heads on swivels at all times. It's sad to say, but I walk through chinatown to work every morning and am only afraid when I see Black men.

12:47 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "I've seen the arguments you've had with progressive, liberal blacks; you always put their words in their mouths.
The fact of white on black crime is almost rare today, and I hope it doesn't happen to you, but the question would be, how would you react if you were the victim by a white person or a band of whites?"

I don't know how I would react to be honest with you. It depends on the motive of the attack, was I attacked over something I said,was it a robbery attempt or was it because I am black? I've gotten into fights before,and I just thought of them as just fights. If your wondering would I call all whites racists or something along those lines if I was jumped by a gang of whites, no. There are good and bad people in all races.

anon "
I would assume that you would want your attacker(s) be punished and prosecute by the full extent of the law. I would presume that you would not, and refuse to have the likes of Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson get involve in your personal situation."

Actually I wouldn't want my situation to be pimped by the likes of Jackson or Sharpton. For me that would be like me selling my soul to the devil in the name of me seeking justice. Sharpton and Jackson aren't civil rights leaders to begin with. Those two aren't the gateway to getting justice for blacks who have racially wronged or attacked.

anon "I am not black, but I would like to see how would someone of your political thinking would handle it."

I would use law enforcement to handle the situation. I would never have people like Sharpton and Jackson come to supposedly represent me in seeking justice. I'll handle it on my own or not at all.

1:42 PM  
Blogger Silus said...

If you think its racially motivated you are the one that is naive. Race doesn't make you look like chump. Race doesn't make you look like an easy mark. White people can hold their own, this white guy just could not. Did being white contribute? Well, obviously its easier to identify him amidst all the black folks, but thats not whats going to cause people to take the risk and test you unless they thought they could get away with it.

Bottom line: This guy was attacked because he looked like an easy target. Being an easy target that was white did not do him any favors.

6:24 PM  

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