Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Tom Barrett supporter slaps him after concession speech

The left is in full meltdown mode over Tom Barrett's lose to Governor Scott Walker. I almost feel bad for the guy. It's bad enough for him to have lost twice to the same guy in a matter of two years. It's even worse to have lost  in a very highly important race with huge ramifications for public unions around the country. If losing again to Scott Walker wasn't humiliating enough for Tom Barrett, him getting slapped in the face by a supposed supporter had to have been the low light of a very disappointing night.

I thought the conservatives and the tea party were suppose to have been the angry, unhinged and violent types. If you can't believe the left, when they tell you this, who can you believe then? ;-)

Here are a few tweets from the ever tolerant and peace loving progressive left aimed towards Governor Scott Walker after his win. Are these the same type comments peace and love, flower power hippie leftists from the past would make?


Blogger Silverfiddle said...

The angry, unhinged left will become angrier and more unhinged as the campaign season unfolds. Look for an increase in violence and stupidity, far and above what we normally expect from these hooting baboons.

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just more proof that liberals are mentally ill. Not enough thought going into their political decisions and far too much emotion.

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous-"Just more proof that liberals are mentally ill. Not enough thought going into their political decisions and far too much emotion."

Well, Michael Savage did say that liberalism is a mental disorder.

I wonder if that "supporter" got arrested for assaulting a public official.

6:34 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

The left has always been mentally ill. There really is no other rational explanation to describe their warped thought process. Anon I doubt the woman got arrested for slapping Barret. If she was a conservative, then of course she would have been. If she would have slapped Governor Walker if he lost, then the national media would have played it over and over but since she slapped a progressive it only made local news of course.

Silverfiddle "The angry, unhinged left will become angrier and more unhinged as the campaign season unfolds. Look for an increase in violence and stupidity, far and above what we normally expect from these hooting baboons."

It's very hard to predict the actions of mentally deranged people. I agree though, as the election draws closer, they will act out in more violent and unpredictable ways. I just hope the Romney camp is prepared. Back in 08, everything was working for them, this time around, they are on defense and are even more erratic then ever.

12:58 AM  

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