Saturday, November 29, 2014

No indictment for Officer Darren Wilson Part 2: The aftermath of "burning this bitch down".

Saint Michael's stepfather gave the disciples of Saint Michael their marching orders after the Grand Jury's ruling,

and the rest speaks for itself.

This is what remains of an Advanced Auto Zone store in Ferguson

This was once a Quick Trip convenience store and gas station

This was once a Little Caesers' Pizza store in Ferguson

A black female owned business was also torched to the ground by those claiming injustice for a black man Michael Brown, how ironic right? Juanita's Fashions R Boutique is no more. Juanita is trying to raise money to rebuild her store.

I believe in fairness. I believe that the businesses owners impacted should all be allowed to burn the house of Michael Brown's stepfather down  as well or if he is living in an apartment, they should be allowed to burn all of his personal belongings.
Here's the full list of all the businesses which have been burned or looted or both in Ferguson.  These two legged animals not only destroyed the businesses which had nothing to do with the Grand Jury's decision,  they even set fire to the CHURCH Michael Brown Sr attends. Businessweek pointed out that he biggest losers in the Ferguson riots and arson's are the small business owners,and they are right. Stores like Autozone, Walgreens and Aarons have the resources to rebuild or build another store anywhere, but the same can't be said for the mom and pop business owners. Again none of these business owners had anything to do with the verdict by the Grand Jury. Many black and minority owned businesses were destroyed also by the "roaming mobs of justice".
 I said that the burning and looting of the businesses in Ferguson was going to only impact the very people who rely on those businesses, and that is true. Don't ever expect common fools to exercise common sense, because they don't have any to begin with. Because of the actions of theses dim wits, the town of Ferguson Missouri has 40 or so less businesses now paying taxes to the local government. So how is this sudden tax short fall going to be made up by the Ferguson government? Either people are going to have to be laid off in the local government or the town might have to try and raise taxes on everybody else which is never good. Oh no, that's not even the worst of it. People have lost their jobs thanks to the actions of these fools. People who relied these businesses to pay their bills, rent, mortgages etc had their income source destroyed in a matter of hours. What about them? Where's the justice for the people who just wanted to work and pay their bills? You think these people care about some sort of perverted justice for Michael Brown? They have bills to pay with no way of paying for them. But hey, Justice for Michael Brown right? Here's one bright story from Ferguson Missouri. At least one store which was vandalized was able to bounce back.
.Natalie DuBose who is also a black female business owner who owns Natalie Cakes &  More had her store vandalised by the justice for Saint Michael disciples.

Natalie is a single mother of two children who started her business in order to provide for herself and her children.  Well thankfully she's back in businesses thanks to the donations of strangers with good hearts who didn't want to see the lively hood of a good person go down the drain because of the actions of people acting like uncivilized animals who are utterly clueless.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just spent the last hour or so explaining to my 14yo daughter the "facts" of this case. She had received a text about all the school protest for "justice" that are planned this week. At 14 she had not true idea of what the "facts" are, only the typical young adult's prospective. It is of course in lock step with THE narrative. As I talked to her it occurred to me at the tender age of 14 she is no different from the thugs who are looting and burning down there own neighborhood. They have no idea of the actual grand jury testimony and or forensic evidence. Just THE narrative. I explained to her how minority businesses were be being destroyed. I asked her how she would feel if her aunt's business (that she has worked at) was destroy in the name of "justice" when the facts don't fit the narrative. She is an intelligent child with strong opinions. I was able to soften her stance. She at least acknowledged that she did not know all the facts. More than I will get out of many adults.


3:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL!! Just more of the same from the libturd lame stream media. Race pimp Al was on the news saying the dead thugs pappy was calling for peace. No sooner than Office Wilson is acquitted that peace turns into 'we gonna get us a piece'. Lock n' load. Molon Labe!

3:21 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

TL "I just spent the last hour or so explaining to my 14yo daughter the "facts" of this case. She had received a text about all the school protest for "justice" that are planned this week.

Instead of the schools being places of learning, they have become incubators of ignorance said to say. These kids do not no thing of the world other then what their friends post on social media. No wonder so many parents are homeschooling their kids,and progressives do not like that obviously. At least you are presenting the facts to her TL. All you can hope for is that she processes the information and comes to the logical conclusions.

TL "At 14 she had not true idea of what the "facts" are, only the typical young adult's prospective. It is of course in lock step with THE narrative. As I talked to her it occurred to me at the tender age of 14 she is no different from the thugs who are looting and burning down there own neighborhood. They have no idea of the actual grand jury testimony and or forensic evidence. Just THE narrative. I explained to her how minority businesses were be being destroyed. I asked her how she would feel if her aunt's business (that she has worked at) was destroy in the name of "justice" when the facts don't fit the narrative. She is an intelligent child with strong opinions. I was able to soften her stance. She at least acknowledged that she did not know all the facts. More than I will get out of many adults."

At 14, she's still very impressionable. So there is hope in guiding her to be an independent analytical thinker. There are people who can give a dam about the Grand Jury testimony, the months that used to process through countless witnesses and forensics evidence. These people are anti cop and god himself could tell them Darren Wilson was justified in the shooting, they still wouldn't believe the truth. When people are hired wired, it becomes very hard to change their thought process.
You using her Aunt's business was as very good method, because it made it personal which made it easier to identify with others who own or at least owned businesses in Ferguson.

Anon "LOL!! Just more of the same from the libturd lame stream media. Race pimp Al was on the news saying the dead thugs pappy was calling for peace. No sooner than Office Wilson is acquitted that peace turns into 'we gonna get us a piece'. Lock n' load. Molon Labe!"

The day Al Sharpton takes his last breath of air on this planet will mark the day race relations in America improved by 1,000% easily!!! I still cant' figure out why the media doesn't call this moron out as not being a real reverend. As long as the media continues to obsess over Ferguson, Al Sharpton will be there to continue to fan the flames of hate just to get another 15 seconds of air time.

3:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! There are a lot of good people that want to she pimp'in Al catch lead poisoning. Nice to see you're one!

Let me ask you, what do you think about the kid in Cleveland that was waving a gun around and was killed by a police officer. They said it was a air-soft pistol that looked like a real gun. I saw the video and you can see that the kid reached for the gun when the officer fired his weapon. The dispatch radio call was, a man with a gun pointing it at passersby. The officers responded and found a man with a gun who went for it when they arrived. The guy went for the gun and the officers did what there trained to do. CASE CLOSED.

Now you got the protests and racist blacks in Cleveland claiming the officer was wrong to defend himself. I would asked this a-holes where was the kids parents? Why would they allow their kid to have a real looking gun? Blacks are digging their own graves. As long as they act this way and continue to follow pimp'in Al, Eric Holder and Obozo I got no sympathy for what happens to them.

7:06 PM  
Blogger Renee said...

This is a travesty beyond words. Michael Brown was a menace to society. He was yet another example of the 50 year failed experiment of LBJ's "Worst Societty" mandate, which discouraged mostly poor & uneducated black women from leading morally responsible lives! The white liberal establishment considers themselves as the arbiters of the poor, the helpless & disenfranchised! They incited the false philosophy of aiding minorities by "opening doors" to aid them in obtaining tax payer subsides such as welfare, sec 8 dwelling, food stamps, sub standard, government run, "free" public schools education, & contraception.

What has all of this kind charity of liberalism accomplished for the very people, mostly (blacks &
Latinos) whom they pretend to benefit? The loss of a child is a very painful experience for any parent,
irrespective of color & ethnicity. However, Brown's death was preventable & I don't believe that officer Wilson set out to willfully shoot an "unarmed" black male teenager by insisting on hurling the overrated phrase; "HANDS UP.....while innocent "little" Michael Brown, on blended knee, pleaded helplessly, "DON'T SHOOT"!

Brown's irate attitude was reflective of the very unstable environment in which he grew up in & which no doubt contributed to his violent & abrupt death. No doubt, he was surrounded by Democrat supporting, arrogant black adults who routinely branded whites as "racists" who had an axe to grind against blacks! He was angry & frustrated and trained to resent white men while blaming them for any misgivings in which he, his family & mostly, uneducated black friends continually harbored!

7:54 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Anon;"I saw the video and you can see that the kid reached for the gun when the officer fired his weapon. The dispatch radio call was, a man with a gun pointing it at passersby. The officers responded and found a man with a gun who went for it when they arrived. The guy went for the gun and the officers did what there trained to do. CASE CLOSED".

Are you talking about THIS VIDEO?. Cleveland Deputy Police Chief, Edward Tomba stated during a news conference that the officer, Timothy Loehmann shouted to TWELVE YEAR OLD Timir Rice "three times" to show his hands. But as THE VIDEO shows, the officer fired immediately after leaving the police vehicle. If Loehmann instructed the boy to see his hands "THREE TIMES" before shooting him, Officer Loehmann is the fastest talker on the face of the earth!

From what I see in the video, the 12 year old boy never had a chance to show his hands. The police vehicle appears, and within 1 to 2 seconds the officer exits and fires. If you watch closely, you'll notice that the driver of the police vehicle had not exited, his door was not open, and it's possible that the vehicle was not even in park.

Like Ohio, Michigan is an "Open Carry" state. Here is a video of an older WHITE gentleman who taunted police while exercising his right to open carry . Notice how police handle the situation. The initial police vehicle that arrives on the scene notices the old guy with the assault rifle, yet he slows down and backs the vehicle up away from the man with the gun. The man taunts the police for about 25 minutes until he gives up. After the man sets the gun down, the officer sits down with him and has casual conversation.

I've got a few questions for you Anon. Why is it that the Kalamazoo officers showed tremendous restraint when dealing with a man brandishing an assault rifle? And why was there no "obvious" restraint in shooting a 12 year old boy with a BB Gun that the officers had not seen? Lastly, what is one "obvious" difference between the man with the assault rifle, and 12 year old Timir Rice?

12:40 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Rene;"failed experiment of LBJ's "Worst Societty" mandate, which discouraged mostly poor & uneducated black women from leading morally responsible lives!" -and- What has all of this kind charity of liberalism accomplished for the very people, mostly (blacks &
Latinos) whom they pretend to benefit?

First off, Whites make up roughly 70% of the American population. Blacks make up roughly 12%. Thirty-eight percent of the White population receives Welfare AFDC. The percentage of the Black population receiving AFDC Welfare is just about the same. Since there are more than 5 times as many whites as there are blacks in total population, it is mathematically impossible for "MORE" blacks to be receiving Welfare AFDC. Therefore, Whites get far more Welfare dollars than Blacks!

As for other government benefit programs, the ratio of white to black get's even higher. Bear in mind again, that whites outnumber blacks roughly by six to one. You must also factor in that average White American life expectancy is 5 years greater that Blacks. Also you must take into account the wage gap between White and Blacks. Here again, if we look at Social Security and Medicare, far more Whites (in raw numbers) receive these benefits longer and have higher payment returns of their benefits.

Then there's Social Security Disability (SSD and SSI). Heres a story about a Western Kentucky/West Virginia community where more than 250,000 residents receive SSD, which for the area is 3 times the national average. This particular area of the country is 95% White.

While it true that a disproportional percentage of blacks receive some kind of government assistance, it is not the black population that is burdening the system.

2:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The conservative libertarian in me cannot help but wonder whether all this media spotlight on the Michael Brown case isn't merely to fuel division along racial lines but more importantly also to advance an agenda to turn city and county police departments into extensions of an increasingly monolithic national law enforcement apparatus. Surely, surely, if the intent was to raise awareness on police brutality a better case could have been championed than one where the police officer has never even fired his gun on duty before, if we are to believe his interview, as well as the evidence provided which point strongly in favor of Wilson's favor. I mean, the argument put forth by the Brown supporters is that (despite the evidence to the contrary) this officer just one day decides to jeopardize his entire career and shoot an unarmed black man, kneeling in surrender, in front of multiple witnesses. What type of mental deficiency would Wilson even need to have to engage in something so monumentally stupid? Whereas Brown's actions, given the robbery and the drugs found in his blood and the adrenaline rush, can actually be understood logically in the sense it was a desperate move.

10:51 AM  
Anonymous AL ANON said...

Black police officer at South Alabama College shot a naked white youth on LSD according to the story. 2012.

Oh, note, off the top of my head, Eric Holder and the DOJ investigated one city for Police shootings/brutality and they came down on that city.

Government Report:

That City is Albuquerque, I don't think there are even many blacks in that city, demographics, so they were not likely involved generally in any of the reported incidents.

11:48 AM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

anon "Let me ask you, what do you think about the kid in Cleveland that was waving a gun around and was killed by a police officer. "

It was a tragic situation, but the kid was wrong. Doing stupid things can lead to the loss of one's life. Suicide by cop is a real thing. A cop only has a slit second to determine the situation at hand. If someone is dumb enough to brandish what looks like a gun at a police officer, of course 100% out of the time the officer is going to shoot at that person.

anon "They said it was a air-soft pistol that looked like a real gun. I saw the video and you can see that the kid reached for the gun when the officer fired his weapon. The dispatch radio call was, a man with a gun pointing it at passersby."

The kid's actions lead to he his own demise in my book. He was waving it at passerby's for the sole purpose of trying to convince other people that it was a real gun he had, and people did think it was a real gun, that's why they called the cops on him to begin with. Again, the consequences he brought on himself.

anon "The officers responded and found a man with a gun who went for it when they arrived. The guy went for the gun and the officers did what there trained to do. CASE CLOSED."

In the real world of common sense it would be cased closed, you we both know that in the United States of Absurdity, common sense thinking is on the down trend. The Officer Wilson shooting should have been a case close in favor of him based on the evidence, but people are still acting stupid because of feelings instead of the facts at hand.

1:02 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

CB;"It was a tragic situation, but the kid was wrong. Doing stupid things can lead to the loss of one's life. Suicide by cop is a real thing. A cop only has a slit second to determine the situation at hand. If someone is dumb enough to brandish what looks like a gun at a police officer, of course 100% out of the time the officer is going to shoot at that person".

I guess video evidence doesn't matter when a black twelve year old is shot dead by police. I posted a link to the video Tyrone. Although the video is quite grainy, you can still see the boy falling to the ground after being shot. Can you please give the time stamp of the exact moment the kid "brandishes" the gun at the officer.

The Deputy Police Chief stated that the officer instructed the boy THREE TIMES to show his hands. Although the video has no audio, even spoken at a fast pace, the phrase, "Let Me See Your Hands" would take a least 5 seconds to repeat three times. Again, point out the time in the video where the kid could have been given these instructions.

If you don't see either of the stated events occurring, and can't provide the evidence from the video, what could possibly be your reason for making inaccurate assertions?

3:12 PM  
Anonymous AL ANON said...

"Cleveland Deputy Police Chief, Edward Tomba stated during a news conference that the officer, Timothy Loehmann shouted to TWELVE YEAR OLD Timir Rice "three times" to show his hands."- P. Anthony Allen

I've been keeping up with this story, the police cruiser shows up out of nowhere, okay, we know this. The thing is, now, believe it or not, I think the police story is now that they are saying they yelled three times to show his hands through an open window. I know I read that. No, I don't think that sounds plausible. I think they are in trouble though one expert said it might be a legitimate use of force <--- which I don't agree with. They need to change their guidelines, no way do I think that is legit.

Cleveland, this matter is your cluster foul up as they say, the officers got a 911 call which does sound kind of bad, the child, 12 years old does seem tall for his age. It's a bad situation and deeply disturbs me nonetheless.

Thank you for posting my responses ACM.

12:29 AM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

1:55 PM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

Here's anarchy from “black muslim noi” leader:
FARRAKHAN ON #FERGUSON: ‘We’ll Tear This Goddamn Country Up!’ [VIDEO]

When Ferguson was first distorted and magnified as a national event by the liberal lapdog sycophantic media, it was a big dumb mistake for authorities show weakness by withholding police and military force. Now the blind angry hateful thugs have been EMBOLDENED. Even though they are often “scumbags,” like Barkley said (and as seen in live videos), by being allowed to steal from and burn businesses and property, their rage is now being promoted, by the likes of Sharpton, Farrakhan and others, under the false banner of “Social Justice.” Meanwhile young black males continue to commit gruesome murders and attacks at record levels (like in Kansas where black 26 year old Cornel Antoine McNeal who who raped black 36 year old mother of 4 Letitia Davis, then burned her body, in a public park, that after a few days in intensive care she died). Where's national main media? Crickets. America is cruising for a bruising. Hosea 8:7, “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind...”

3:44 PM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

Charles Barkley: Ferguson looters are 'scumbags'
'I can't believe anything I hear on TV anymore'

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pipeline in Cleveland is indicating there might be another video showing what happened, very heart-breaking to even think about this. Also, reports that it sounds like they can tell that Tamir pointed the air/bb gun at the officers: Alternet So now it does appear that more facts may be forthcoming.

7:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CB-"These two legged animals not only destroyed the businesses which had nothing to do with the Grand Jury's decision, they even set fire to the CHURCH Michael Brown Sr attends."

Have you heard that the pastor of that Church, instead of blaming the protestors for torching his House of Worship, he blames white supremacists because he was vocal on the grand jury decision? I have been following the case, and knowing the liberal media, they would claim that the Klan was in Ferguson, when there was no evidence that they were there to march and support of Officer Wilson.

I've never seen any reports of any white supremacy groups present in Ferguson, but if they were present, the mainstream media would have their cameras fixated on them and track everyone of their moves; they would be all over the news! Yet, MSNBC and CNN would give the racial agitators a free pass.

CB-"The day Al Sharpton takes his last breath of air on this planet will mark the day race relations in America improved by 1,000% easily!!! I still cant' figure out why the media doesn't call this moron out as not being a real reverend. As long as the media continues to obsess over Ferguson, Al Sharpton will be there to continue to fan the flames of hate just to get another 15 seconds of air time."

That's kind of like during the Trayvon Martin case, Oprah Winfrey remarked that the only way that racism can end is when that all the "old, white people die out." Bigotry of all sorts is not going end regardless. But Oprah Winfrey's remarks to me are racist.


9:36 PM  
Blogger Alpha Conservative Male said...

p allen "I guess video evidence doesn't matter when a black twelve year old is shot dead by police. I posted a link to the video Tyrone. Although the video is quite grainy, you can still see the boy falling to the ground after being shot. Can you please give the time stamp of the exact moment the kid "brandishes" the gun at the officer."

If that black twelve year old wouldn't have been scaring people with that bb gun to begin with, he would still be alive right now. I guess we don't want to acknowledge that. Just like if Saint Michael wouldn't have tried to assault Darren Wilson in the first place, along with not jacking up the store owner on top of stealing the cigars which set the chain of events into motion. The gentle giant would also be alive as well, go figure.

Indigo "Charles Barkley: Ferguson looters are 'scumbags'
'I can't believe anything I hear on TV anymore'"

Sir Charles has been a voice of reason and common sense on a number of issues. It took guts for him to state the truth. The truth isn't something the Saint Michael cult isn't into. Sir Charles was right. I have yet to hear Al Sharpton call out the looters, vandals and arsonists. To think it took a former basketball player to do what the so called "black leader" can't or is unwilling to do.

Indigo "Indigo said...
Here's anarchy from “black muslim noi” leader:
FARRAKHAN ON #FERGUSON: ‘We’ll Tear This Goddamn Country Up!’ [VIDEO]

Farahkook is not different then Sharpton. Well Farahkook is a nut case where as Sharpton is merely a racial profiter. Farahkook talks a lot of crap, but he isn't going to do squat.

-BP "Have you heard that the pastor of that Church, instead of blaming the protestors for torching his House of Worship, he blames white supremacists because he was vocal on the grand jury decision? I have been following the case, and knowing the liberal media, they would claim that the Klan was in Ferguson, when there was no evidence that they were there to march and support of Officer Wilson."

It doesn't surprise me one bit that the fake pastor would blame white supremacist instead of blaming the obvious suspects who did it. So I guess we are to believe that black and white progressives looted and torched all the other buildings, but the only building these white supremacist burned was that church. lol And to think this fraud is suppose to be a pastor, a man of god. Only liberals would be mental enough to actually think that white supremacist would show up and start trouble in a mostly black populated town, with most of the young blacks acting out.

1:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A statement from Sheriff David Clarke:

2:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While Eric Holder and Barack Obama had discussions about police do their jobs, I would like to put my thoughts about those who accuse of the police for racial profiling whenever they are pulled over for a traffic violation or DUI.

Whenever I hear stories about those being pulled over for "racial profiling", I have to ask, how do they know that they were pulled over because of their race?
I like to give you readers a challenge: I want you to stand anywhere you feel comfortable (or you can sit in your car if it's too cold out for you), and watch every car that drive by you. Now I want you to look harder and see if you can identify the gender or the race of the driver. I have been studying this myself, and most of the time, they windows are too dark or give off a glare, that you cannot see in detail of who is driving. This is too impossible to see the driver not only during the sunny daytime, the rain and the dark. There is no possible way that racial profiling could have been the factor as many have claimed.
I am white and as far as I can remember, I have been pulled over for traffic violation five times. Out of those times, only two non-white police officers that have pulled me over, one was Asian, and the other was black. So, was I pulled over due to "racial profiling" on their behalf, or like the white police officers, was it because of a traffic violation?


2:47 AM  
Anonymous Vincent said...

Just sent a donation to Juanita.
Thanks for the link.


7:18 AM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

All-Star Team (“Saint Michael's disciples”):

“Lesley McSpadden (mother) - “On the night of the Ferguson grand-jury announcement clearing Officer Wilson, Brown’s mother, Lesley McSpadden, stood atop a car outside the Ferguson police station yelling incoherently to a large crowd of protesters. Once the announcement not to charge Officer Wilson was broadcast, McSpadden began weeping uncontrollably while being embraced by Brown’s stepfather, Louis Head, and others. Brown’s mother could also be facing jail time for reportedly attacking people selling T-shirts that read, “Justice for Michael Brown.”

Louis Head (stepfather) - then the stepfather turned toward the mob and yelled, “Burn this motherf—er down” and “Burn this bi-ch down.” McSpadden and Head took no responsibility for the rioting and looting that ensued.

Michael Brown Sr. (father) - appeared on CNN and called Officer Wilson a “murderer.” He also said that if his son were white, Wilson would have said “hi” and kept driving. With these kinds of parents as role models, Michael Brown didn’t have a chance. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and bad parents raise rotten children. Michael Brown is dead because of Michael Brown and because his parents failed him. Look at the so-called “leaders” who are blaming the cops and “racism” for Brown’s death. Most of them are products of bad parenting:

Barack Obama continues to draw moral equivalency between police and rioters. His dad was a raging alcoholic who neglected him. His mother was a radical who pushed young Obama on bad role models who shaped his anti-American and racist worldview.

Jesse Jackson was born out of wedlock, and his biological father did not raise him.

Al Sharpton’s father left his wife to have a relationship with Sharpton’s half-sister. Sharpton grew up without his father.”

(source: Michael Brown: Bad apple doesn't fall far from tree by Jesse Lee Peterson)

People making excuses for bad parenting and bad behavior often don't have good parents themselves.

Also, sounds like leader of n.o.i. and leader of criminally angry black men, Louis Farrakhan is ready to join the jihadists as he threatens that “We will tear up this g-d country.”

8:02 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

"Although the video is quite grainy, you can still see the boy falling to the ground after being shot. Can you please give the time stamp of the exact moment the kid "brandishes" the gun at the officer".

You stated the boy "brandished" the gun at the officers. That's exactly what the officer stated. All I asked was that you show the point where he did. What can't you do that? Are your eyes bad? Just get someone else to help you!

That fact is that THE BOY DID NOT BRANDISH THE GUY AT THE OFFICER. The Deputy Chief stated that the officer saw a "few" people sitting at the picnic table. The video shows that the boy was sitting alone when the officers drove up. The Deputy Chief stated the officers yelled at the boy THREE TIMES to put his hands up. The video tape shows that the officer shot the boy immediately (within 1 to 2 seconds) after exiting the police vehicle.

The major difference between this shooting and the Michael Brown shooting is THE INCIDENT WAS CAUGHT ON VIDEO! The narrative given by police in this shooting does not match what is seen in the video. In fact, when asked to point out a specific assertion that "YOU'VE" made, you can't even do it. Therefore, your defense of the officer is not based on what's on the video, it's based on either your bias and contempt against a twelve year old black boy playing with a BB gun, or your irrepressible and irresponsible defense of a white police officer.

Was the boy out of line by playing with a real looking gun, and pointing it at people on the street? YES, indeed he was! Hell, I wouldn't do it. But then again, I'm a grown man and he was just just twelve years old. Yet, was there anything the police officer did wrong by shooting him? ABSOLUTELY! First off, the officers drove right up to a suspect that they were told was waving a gun around and pointing it at people. Are police officers trained to abruptly approach, and drive right up to armed suspects? Secondly, the officers story doesn't match at any point what is seen in the video. Are officers trained to report shooting incidents in the narrative of their choice? Everything the officer did (as shown by the video) was wrong...

4:55 PM  
Anonymous Eddie said...

Stopping America's Suicide by Race

I know I should say more here but I share my thoughts here with what is said in the video. What more can I say? Not that I do not have my own thoughts. ;)

7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While Eric Holder is pursuing to go after Darren Wilson and Daniel Pantaleo for the deaths and "violation" Michael Brown and Eric Garner civil rights, makes me wonder, what's he going to do about the civil rights of the business owners whose stores were looted and destroyed by these protesters? What about the Bosnian immigrant in St. Louis who was bludgeoned to death by a group of black teenagers? Like the other black-on-white crime, they're not going to call it a hate crime.

It seems to me that lately that criminals are protected and have more rights than innocent civilians who are caught in the middle; even if they have to shoot to kill to protect themselves.


3:01 AM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

As one of few in public eye talking common sense, this is copied and pasted from interviews with Barkley:

NO BACKING DOWN: Charles Barkley Turns Up the Heat on #Ferguson Weasels in Candid Interview Dec 3, 2014
“Those aren’t real black people, those are scumbags. Real black people aren’t out there looting.”
“There’s a perception among some black people that if you’re not a thug or hood rat, if you don’t wear your pants down by your ass, you’re not black enough. And they’re always holding us back. Plain and simple. And I ain’t shutting up and I ain’t backing down.”

Charles Barkley: Ghetto Would Be Like ‘Wild, Wild West’ if it Wasn’t for Police December 3, 2014
“Cops are actually awesome. They are the only thing in the ghetto between this place being the wild, wild west. So this notion that cops are out there just killing black men is ridiculous and I hate that narrative coming out of this entire situation.”
Barkley stated that there’s a reason why police racially profile the black community.
“We as black people, we got a lot of crooks. We can’t just wait until something like this happens. We have to look at ourselves in the mirror,” Barkley told CNN. “There’s a reason they racially profile us at times. Sometimes it’s wrong, sometimes it’s right. To act like we hold no responsibility for some of this stuff is disingenuous.”
Barkley also said that there needs to be stronger black leaders, and not the same case of “sad characters.”
“Every time something happens in the black community, we have the same cast of sad characters. We don’t have to have Al Sharpton go there.”
Barkley continued: “We need some strong black men in St. Louis to stand up and say ‘Hey, let’s handle this situation.’”

9:41 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

It seems as though the Tamir Rice case is getting worse. Local Cleveland News Reporters have obtained personnel files of the officer that shot and killed Tamir. Officer Tim Loehmann had been released from the Independence Police Department before being hired by Cleveland PD.

"A Nov. 29, 2012 letter contained in Tim Loehmann's personnel file from the Independence Police Department says that during firearms qualification training he was "distracted" and "weepy."

"He could not follow simple directions, could not communicate clear thoughts nor recollections, and his handgun performance was dismal," according to the letter written by Deputy Chief Jim Polak of the Independence police.

The letter recommended that the department part ways with Loehmann, who went on to become a police officer with the Cleveland Division of Police.

"I do not believe time, nor training, will be able to change or correct the deficiencies," Polak said."

If the reporting and statements are accurate is it possible that Tamir could have done anything different to save his life?

It "APPEARS" (I say appear because I'm not sure what you're thinking) as though you really have contempt for black children Tyrone. It's sad because I really don't want to believe that you do.

11:07 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Indigo, what has Charles Barkley said that blacks don't already know? I know that by far, most blacks are appalled by the rioting and looting.

Hell, I know plenty of male black low-life scum bags. I'm sure that Barkley grew up around some. However, Charles Barkley doesn't live "in-da-hood" any more. Frankly, if Barkley did not have the ability to shoot a basketball, his possibilities for being one of the "protesters" would have increased exponentially.

There's a key aspect of this sudden social unrest that conservative HACKS choose to ignore. NONE OF THIS IS NEW TO AMERICAN SOCIETY. This is what DEMOCRACY looks like. Throughout American history there has been periods of social unrest.

I believe that Barkley is speaking out solely to keep his name and face in the media forefront. He enjoys his fame just as much as every other "ENTERTAINER." Yet, this is where Barkley falls short on his criticisms. I remember his so-called "Win Chucks Bucks" entrepreneur contest. Barkley offered $25,000 aspiring entrepreneurs to submit their business plan pitches. The best idea would win the money to help start or build their business. A student from a technical school in Barkley's home town won the contest. To the best of my knowledge nothing has come from the winner. In fact (although I can't find any further info on the net) I read a few years ago, that the contest winner went out of business within 6 months of winning the money. Here again, I believe it was all a publicity stunt (aka; "entertainment").

Of the 30 wealthiest black Americans, "26" made their money directly from the ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY! Of that 30, only "ONE" (Herman J. Russell) runs a business that shows an economically viable "MEANS OF PRODUCTION." This is a major part of the problem with blacks as a whole in America. We don't produce viable consumer goods. Machinery, tools and factories, infrastructural capital and natural capital which builds an economic base. Instead our richest (so-called) entrepreneurs are selling the rest of us their dreams in the form of a song, a movie, a slam dunk, a touchdown, a $5.00 cup of coffee, a double burger with cheese, a double shot with juice, or a puff of smoke.

As long as we neglect to build our communities economically, every other aspect of our social structure will continue to suffer.

7:47 PM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

Allen, Charles Barkley was quoted by me because: Pres. Obama is not saying it; Atty. General Eric Holder and Homeland Secretary Jeh Johnson are not saying it; Most (not all) sectarian ministers of satan protesting out in the street are not saying it; NBC, ABC and CBS are not saying it; Talk show hosts, if any does say it they get lambasted and hate mail; etc. Asian groups (as shown in ACM's next post), Hispanic groups, and so-called civil rights groups are not saying it. Most of our public leaders do not have the courage against name-calling, labeling, death threats, and smearing, that a former NBA player and now commentator has exercised publicly. There is a big Frankenstein monster that has been made in the basement of America over the past 50 years and it is going out into the streets and it does not even know how and why it is such an ugly monster (“Low Information”). Charles Barkley is one of few blacks with a name and public microphone who has shown the disgust of something that is among the most un-American things of this era – putting a criminal thug, whose parents failed him, on a pedestal of a hero, just because he is black. That is why Barkley's comments of “blacks” vs. “scumbags” is needed. Police brutality and backwards or incompetent cops who cannot handle the authority of a badge in melting pot America, is a little problem. Fatherless black boys who grow into uncivil and thuggish criminals and murderers, is a big Big BIG problem in America.

The big problem will not be solved just by throwing out more government money and equipment. Just wait til body cameras are on the police. The same people who IGNORED and SIDESTEPPED the VIDEO EVIDENCE of criminal acts by Michael Brown 10 minutes before he was killed, making him a suspect as well as a pot-high paranoid police attacker, will those same people be satisfied? Or will they look to another boogie man? We just keep getting more rules, regulations, paperwork, bureaucracy, and litigation until we'll all be in straight jackets. Even evidence does not convince a person that was never trained to weigh it, or to reason logically to take it to a conclusion.

Males need to finish school, while keeping their zipper zipped, and get and keep a steady job. Females need to finish school, and have a plan for their life and have a job. Then, the male and female, after education and employment, can get married. Then – have children they can support and love and discipline to be responsible and civil Americans. Education, then Work, then LifePlan, then Marriage, then Children – IN THAT ORDER. Then that married couple can stay out of poverty, and do so without making taxpayers/government pay them to reproduce more animals in their zoo. Tell the males to keep their pants on, and tell the females to keep their legs closed - until they are educated, employed, married and able raise responsible children. This is what leaders should be saying. Instead, silly little wusses keep making pandering racial and political speeches and talking about spending more money, sidestepping the real issue to promote projects to advance their own little tribe, instead of America as a whole.

I am not surprised that Eric Holder called Americans “cowards” because Holder is one the worst cowards I can think of in America, and one of the most traitorous. “Top lawyer” hah! And he does not have even the courage of a Charles Barkley!

11:29 PM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Indigo;"Allen, Charles Barkley was quoted by me because: Pres. Obama is not saying it; Atty. General Eric Holder and Homeland Secretary Jeh Johnson are not saying it; Most (not all) sectarian ministers of satan protesting out in the street are not saying it; NBC, ABC and CBS are not saying it".

This is senseless, because it's far too intrinsically intricate and complicated for you to understand. So, I'll make it simple so that others may understand...

President Obama, Eric Holder, Jeh Johnson, etc..., are all government officials. National News outlets and their corporations are historically public trusted informational sources. Keeping the Barkley rant in perspective, his comments are specifically related to RACE, blacks in particular. So answer this question;

When in the history of the world, has government officials and trusted media outlets publicly declared a race of people, or a subsection of that race, as "SCUM?". (or some other form of contempt closely related to or thereof) Mind you, historically it has occurred. Yet, how well did it work out for the race of people that the government officials and the public media declared as SCUM?

Citizens (and entertainers like Barkley) can speak out and voice their opinions. Frankly, I have no problem with that. But I would have a problem with an elected official, especially the President of the United States, declaring that a particular "racial group" within the American populous is "SCUM."

2:06 AM  
Blogger p. anthony allen said...

Indigo;"Allen, Charles Barkley was quoted by me because: Pres. Obama is not saying it; Atty. General Eric Holder and Homeland Secretary Jeh Johnson are not saying it; Most (not all) sectarian ministers of satan protesting out in the street are not saying it; NBC, ABC and CBS are not saying it".

This is senseless, because it's far too intrinsically intricate and complicated for you to understand. So, I'll make it simple so that others may understand...

President Obama, Eric Holder, Jeh Johnson, etc..., are all government officials. National News outlets and their corporations are historically public trusted informational sources. Keeping the Barkley rant in perspective, his comments are specifically related to RACE, blacks in particular. So answer this question;

When in the history of the world, has government officials and trusted media outlets publicly declared a race of people, or a subsection of that race, as "SCUM?". (or some other form of contempt closely related to or thereof) Mind you, historically it has occurred. Yet, how well did it work out for the race of people that the government officials and the public media declared as SCUM?

Citizens (and entertainers like Barkley) can speak out and voice their opinions. Frankly, I have no problem with that. But I would have a problem with an elected official, especially the President of the United States, declaring that a particular "racial group" within the American populous is "SCUM."

2:07 AM  
Anonymous Indigo said...

p allen, Yes, government officials have to be politic in their speech... “Scum” is something I have to clean out of my bathtub sometimes, as a result of dirt and grime and dead skin that washes off my body each day. When I cook a pot of meat and vegetables, sometimes the scum will float to the top and I skim it off, making a cleaner dish. In both these cases, scum is the result of honorable activity. Comparing the looters in Ferguson to scum, is being too nice to them. Those brute beasts who went about shouting and cussing at authorities, throwing rocks at reporters, calling an awarded and untried police officer a “murderer,” breaking windows and burning the livelihoods of local business owners and employees, and stealing items that belonged to someone else, and doing it under the lie of “Justice for Michael Brown” and “Hands Up Don't Shoot” when forensic evidence shows his hands were not up when shot- why, “scum” is too nice a word. Here are some are some closer descriptions:

Offspring of irresponsible parents - Undisciplined juvenille delinquents – Ungodly bastards – Foul mouth dopehead gangsters – lazy good for nothing bums - the scourge of American Society & laughingstock of the world.

This is the soul-less, spirit-deadening offspring produced as a result of the welfare nanny state policies of the naïve, blind, and myopic socialist democrats.

p.s. In your usual word twisting, paa, I inform you that nobody said anything about scum referring to a “racial group.” It referred to Ferguson looters, which included: some stupid white people, some corrupt middle eastern jihadists, some radical black militants, and some government officials who FAILED to do their job and prevent and stop the looting. Destructive morons come in all nationalities and colors.

11:23 AM  

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